*∙𝙸𝚕𝚕 𝙱𝚎 𝚆𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚈𝚘𝚞.....∙*

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It was time for the guys to go to rehab. I took some time this morning to talk to Nikki.

"I'll miss you sm." He cried holding my face with his hands our foreheads together

"I'll miss you too Nik." I say holdin him by the waist closing my eyes letting the tears slip down my cheeks as he whipped them away with his thumbs

"Jane please promise me something. It's a lot to ask for but I need you to promise me." He said

"What is it?" I ask

"I- I need you to stay away from every guy that comes youre way." He says and i wasn't really sure what he meant by that

"What do you mean Nik?" I ask confused

"What I mean is that I don't want you to be with anyone while I'm away." He explains. He was right . It was a lot to ask for but I guess I can live with that. I wasn't looking for anyone anyways.

"Alright." I say smiling

"Really?! You mean that?!" He asks excitedly

"Yeah haha!" I say laughing at his reaction

"I love you Jane..." he says softly

"I love you too Nik...." I say back. That's all I wanted to hear.
I was waiting outside of rehab to pick up the guys.

"Jane!" I hear Tommy yell. I shot up and jumped into his arms

"Hey guys!" I say exited to see them

"Hey Jane..." I hear Nikki say behind me. I quickly turned around and jumped into his strong arms as he holds me by my waist real tight

"I missed you so much." I whisper in his year tears starting to fill my eyes

"I missed you too baby girl." He whispers back

"Awwwww isn't that adorable!" Vince says ruining the moment

"Gee thanks Vince you just ruined a great moment! Dumbass!" Mick says hitting his head from behind. Tommy just looked at Mick and did the same as him.

"Hey what was that for!" Vince says to Tommy

"I don't know man I thought we were just hitting you cuz you're the dumb one!" He says

"Oh I'm the dumb one?! Who walked into a closed door cuz they don't know what means push and what means pull?!" Vince says as we all burst into laughter

"Come on lets go home." I say as we all start going to the car and speeding home
"So Jane what did you do for one year?" Mick asks as he sits on the chair in the kitchen

"Meh nothing special." I reply "Well i got a job. 3 actually" I add

"Ohhh a job!" Tommy says "Where?!" He adds

"If I tell you will you stop acting like a little kid that just got home from the park and ate a bunch of dog shit like you actually used to?" I say as Nikki and Vince burst into laughter

"What man you ate dog shit?!" Nikki says dying of laughter

"No!" He lies "Anyways tell us about the job already!"

"Alright alright! You guys ready?" I say to them as they all shake theyre heads quickly

"Well the first one is at the Whisky so I'm a waitress the second one is at the Strip and the third one is a Playboy model." I tell them watching theyre expressions

"What?" I ask laughing a bit

"Nikki.... man." Vince says turning to Nik

"Mhm?" He asks looking at me with a blank stare

"Did you hear the last one?" Vince asks

"Yep." He says still looking at me

"MAN WE CAN MASTURBATE TO JANE HECK YEAH!" Vince yells as the guys cheer well except Mick

"Well Nikki doesn't have to. Right Nikki?" Vince asks giving Nik a smirk

"Huh? I wasn't listening to ya right now." He says to Vince

"Ah nothin man." He says as they all walk out the room except Nikki leaving us together

"Nik?" I say to him

"Yeah?" He asks looking at me

"Are you mad?" I ask looki at him with sad eyes

"What? No Janie of course not! Why would I be mad- at you?" He says giving me a suspicious look

"What?" I ask confused

"Did you have a boyfriend while I was gone?!" He yells

"What?! No!" I yell back

"You didn't you!" He says getting up and leaving the kitchen leaving me shocked
What the fuck just happened?
"Nik?" I ask knocking on his door

"Come in." He says before I step inside to see him laying on his bed with a notebook on his lap

"Hey." I say softly my hands in my pockets

"Hey." He says back coldly

"Can I sit down?" I ask hoping he would say yes

"Yeah sure." He says softly looking up from his notebook while I sit down on the bed beside him

"Nik I swear I didn't do anything with anyone while you were gone." I say softly on the edge of tears

"I- I don't know Jane if I should believe you." He says making me go shocked

"You don't believe me?" I ask with a bit of a squeal

"I-" he starts but before he could finish I was already up going to his door walking out and slamming it shut behind me. Who am I kidding he's never going to truly love me.
A few months later at the studio (July more specific): me and Nikki got on good terms and started dating ( have been for 7 months now)

"Alright guys I have big news!" Doc yells as he comes in the studio

"Alright! We are going to Moscow next month!" He says exitedly

"Moscow?!" Tommy yells

"Yes Moscow! It's a new foundation i discovered and it's for the children of the Soviet Union. For battling drug and alcohol addiction!" Doc explains

"Wow this is so great!" I yell excitedly

"Yeah!" Nikki says picking me up and twirling me around

-August 10th 1989:
We just came to Moscow. There's all these bands I've always wanted to meet? Bon Jovi! Skid Row! CINDERELLA OMG! It's a dream come true! The concert is in 2 days but we all came really to get ready and to admire the town.

"Alright guys lets go to our hotel rooms!" Doc yells to us

"Hey Jane can i talk to you?" Nikki asks dragging me away from the guys

"What's up baby?" I ask him

"I'm taking you out tonight. Put on the sexiest dress you have." He whispers in my ear before winking at me and walking away

What's he up to?

(A/N: this chapter is a bit longer than usual but oh well! Hope you enjoy! One more chapter will be published today!💘)

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