*∙𝙱𝚢𝚎 𝙱𝚢𝚎 𝙹𝚘𝚑𝚗𝚗𝚢.....∙*

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Everything was going so wrong. When John came into the band everything was fine. But now it's pure shit.

"John I swear to god you are the biggest motherfucker ever!" Nikki yells at him

We were at rehearsal and it was horrible. I never really liked John that much. He just isn't Vince.

"Oh yeah?! Does anyone else think that?!" John yells back

I went over to Nikki and looked at him before whispering " baby. can i say something to him?". He nods in approval.

"Yeah. I have something to say." I say as John turns around to look at me.

"You really are the biggest motherfucker ever Coraby! Don't you think it's kinda bad to flirt with a married woman?" I say as Nikki looks at him as if he's going to cut his balls off. Just remember all i said was a lie. He didn't really flirt with me but I guess that's the only way for him to leave this fuckin band.

"You did what Coraby?!" Nikki yelled at him grabbing him by his shirt

"Wha- what are you talking about i didnt flirt with you!" John whimpers because hes scared to death what Nikki is going to do

"Oh yes. You did." I reply with a smirk

"When?! When was this?!" Nikki yells at him

"I didnt flirt with her!" John replies almost crying(pussy...)

"Liar!... Jane! When was this?!" He asks me

"Welll... about a week ago." I say

Nikki turns back to John and lets him go. I frown in confusion. Didnt my plan work? I wanted him to leave!

"John. I think it's for the best you pack you're things and leave." Mick says before standing up and giving him a light pat on the shoulder leaving the studio.

"I think so to man. Sorry." Tommy says doing the same as Mick before leaving.

Nikki just stormed off and went to the car. Leaving me alone with John.

"You lying bitch!" He yells in my face puting his hands on my shoulder shaking me a bit.

"What did you just call me?!" I yell back taking his hands and putting them off of me. I see Nikki looking thought the window in the door as I give him a signal to wait and look what his (ex)band mate is doing.

"You lied! I didn't flirt and you know it! You're just a lying whore!!!" He yells slapping me across the face. That's when Nikki went nuts. He stormed back inside and started yelling at him.

"What the fuck are you doing man?! How dare you slap my wife!" He yells pushing John to turn around.

"She's a lying bitch! She lied!" John yells back.

"Jane is this true? Did you lie to my face?!" Nikki asks

I was thinking of what saying to them.

"Come with me please." I say to Nikki

"Stay there and don't you dare move or I swear to god I'll beat the shit out of you!" He says before coming along

"What's up baby?" He asks

"I lied." I say looking at my shoes

"You did what?!" He yells and i try to shush him

"I know I'm sorry but I just wanted him to leave." I explain feeling the tears to form in my eyes cuz of the embarrassment and what he's going to do or say

He took my hand with one hand a cupped my cheek with the other to make me look at him

"Trust me baby everyone wanted him to leave. But we can solve this on some other way." He says pulling me into a hug kissing my head

"I know and im so sorry." I say crying into his chest

"Shhh it's alright baby. It's fine no one got hurt. Yet." He says kissing my head again and taking my hand taking me back to John

"Jane I think you have something to say. Right?" Nikki says

"Yes. Sorry John I just wanted you to leave I never really liked you. Sorry." I say sounding a bit harsh but truthful

"Look it's not ok but I forgive you. I was planing on leaving anyways." He says

"Fine leave whatever we don't care." Nikki says puting his arm around my waist

"I'll pack my things and leave." John replies and leaves us alone.
"Mom we're here!" I yelled trough the house as we hear little footsteps running trough the house. Gabby.

"Mamma, Papa!" She screams and jumps into my arms

"My little girl! Where are Frankie and Janie?" I ask her as I hear small cries coming from the babies room. There they are.

"Hey mom. Thanks for looking after the twins and gabby." I say hugging my mother

"Wheres dad?" I ask

"He's outside. Fixing the car." She replies

Fixing the car?

"What car?" I ask as she just simply looks at me and smiles

"Mamma what car?" I ask again before walking out the room and into the garage

"Papa where are you?!" I ask looking for dad

"Oh Jane sweets! Over here!" He yells back

"Pap who's car is this and why is it in my garage?" I ask looking at the car parked in the garage. It was a red ferrari.

"Hey babe." I hear Nikki say as he comes in with gabby and my mom with the twins.

"You like you're car?" He asks smiling

"My what?! This is not my car this is you're car!" I yell

"Nope this one is all youres baby." He says smiling wider.

"Did you-?" I say

"Mhm. I bought it for you." He says laughing

"Oh baby. But why?" I ask starting to cry

"Well because I love you. And there's no one else I want to be with more than you. I have 3 amazing children and the best wife in the world." He says kissing me

"I love you Nikki Sixx." I say smiling looking up into his eyes

"I love you too Jane Lee Sixx." He says smiling and kissing me again

This is the best life. I finally started living it. Nothing could spoil this.

(A/N: ups I haven't posted in so long. Sorry lol. I have one more chapter to write for this story and then I'm finished. Dw I'll mby write another book."

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