Chapter 5: A Deal with the Devil

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The bell rang, and the class all stood up to and left. I met Daylon in front of the school.

"Hey," I said happily, wrapping my arms around him and kissing him gently.

"So, how wa you're meeting with the principle? I see you didn't get expelled?" He asked as we waked to his car.

"It was actually better than I thought it was ging to be. He didn't even yell. He actually thanked me." I responded with a smile. He gave me a confused look.

"He thanked you? For what?" He asked.

"For killing a demon." I said opening the passener's door. He stared at me in disbelief.

"Wait, you killed a demon? When?" He asked still a little shockcked.

"What do you think I was aiming for when I shot the arrow?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"You killed a demon that was going to kill me?" He asked.

"Well, I didn't exactly kill the demon. It will eventually regenerate, but that takes life times." I explained.

"Wow, that's totally hot." He said leaning in and kissing me. I leaned in and deepened the kiss. He pulled away after a while and started driving.

"There is one thing that the principle said that still confuses me. He said my mother did something to the demons. He didn't tell me what though." I said distantly.

"Really? That's...weird." He said.

We sat in silence the rest of the ride. We pulled into my driveway.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" Daylon asked kindly.

"No, this is probably something I should do alone." I said stepping out of his car. He nodded and pulled out of the drive way.

I slowly walked up to the house. I came in, and my back on the coach.

Kyi, we have something to talk about." My mom called from the kitchen.

"Yes, we do" I agreed as i walked into the kitchen. MY mom was standing over the sink washing dishes. She turned towards me, whipping her hands dry with a rag.

"Sit," she ordered pointing to the kitchen table.

I pulled out a chair and sat.

"You lied to me," She said calmly. "That school has way worse things than vampires. You didn't tell me that there were demons at this school."

"Mom, I said that because I don't want to leave. I don't want to abandon him with those things." I argued.

"No, I will have both of you transferred back to the magician's school. Please, it will be much safer for you there." She begged.

"Mom, Daylon wants to finish the rest of this year at the mortal school, and I don't want to leave him. You know he won't leave. Just a couple more months." I pleaded.

"No, no more arguing. You and Daylon are going to the magic school, and that's final." She said angrily.

"No." I said sternly.

"What?" My mom challenged.

"You can't make me." I said stubbornly.

"I can and I will." She argued.

"That's not fair!" I argued back.

"Well, that's what you get for lying to me." She said going back to washing the dishes.

"What about you, mother? You haven't been completely honest with me? What did you do to the demons?" I asked.

My mother stopped. She stood still for a minuet, then sighed.

"What I did, I did it to save you." She sighed.

I stayed silent. What does she mean?

"I... The demons were angry. They did not want a moon to exist, you're every existence angered them." She began to cry. "They were going to kill you the instant you found out what you really were. I did my best to ward them off, but I couldn't do it forever. I had to do something." She began to cry harder. I went over and put my arm around her.

"I went to the demon king. I made a bargin. I sold my soul to the demons." She was now sobbing. I was in shock. The mother had sold her soul to the devil? To save me?

"Why? What on earth compelled you to do something so drastic?" I asked still in shock.

"Before I even knew your father, I crossed paths with a seer, someone that can see all, past, present, and future. The seer told me that the child I would birth was destined lead a fight agents the forces of the dark. The seer told me to do what ever it took to make sure the child I birthed would be safe, and I did." She explained. She broke down in tears. Seeing my mother like this, I began to cry too.

She had sold her soul, made a deal with the devil, to make sure I would live to complete my destiny. I owed it to her to complete it. A war was starting, and I was destined to lead the way.



I'm sorry. One, it took me forever to update. And two, this chapter has a kind weird and awkward ending. I just didn't know how to end it.

Well, what do you think? War is coming. Who will win? The light, or the dark?

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