Chapter 3: Uncle

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After my encounter with the demons, I went home and did some research. I looked throught every book that we had and only found one thing that was useful.

Turns out that demons are killed by light. Well, sun light. Moon light repels them, but does not kill them. The only reason demons can go to this school is because the light in the school isn't sun light or moon light. Actually, the correct term for it is fake light.

I also discovered that, their powers are increased by darkness. When they are in the shadows they are stronger. The darker it is the stronger they are.

I sat in my room reading, when some one knocked on my bedroom door.

"Come in." I said not looking up from the book.

The door opened and Daylon walked in with an ear to ear smile.

"Hey," He said happily.

"Hey," I said still not looking up from my book.

"What are you doing?" He asked sitting on my bed.

"Well, while you where gone, I had a face- to- face encounter with the Demons. I'm doing some research to see what demons can do and how I can defend myself agents them." I answered.

"Wait, demons as in what you faced a couple months ago?" Daylon asked his eyes widening with fear.

"Well, these ones are young and not at their full power. It won't be as bad as the fear creature, but it will still be scary. We don't want to under estimate them." I said flipping through the pages of another book.

"Don't worry, as long as I live no one or nothing will ever hurt you. I promise." Daylon said hugging me tightly.

"I love you." I said hugging him back and kissing his cheek.

Then someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." I said looking finally looking up from the book.

The door opened and Baine stepped into my room. Behind him was a kid a year or two younger that me. He looked a lot like Daylon only he had black hair.

"First off, how did you find out where I lived? And two, who is he?" I asked pointing to the kid.

"I followed your sent here. And we ride the same bus so it wasn't hard. As for your second question, I don't know. He said he knew Daylon and wanted to see him. He is a magician though." Baine replied sitting in the chair in the corner of the room.

"Daylon," The kid said smiling. Daylon looked at the kid the his eyes widened.

"Uncle?" He asked standing up.

"Daylon!" the kid said throwing his arms around Daylon.

"Oh my god," Daylon said still on shock.

"I am Stan Solter." the kid said releasing Daylon and sticking his hand out to me.

"I am Kyiler Dawn, but you call me Kyi." I said shaking his hand.

"So wait, this guy is Daylon's uncle?" Baine asked looking confused.

"Yep, and the weirdest part is I am suppose to be fourty." Stan said confusing Baine even more.

"How is that possible? You look like you are fourteen?" Baine asked.

"I am technically fourteen, and I will be forever. You see I am immortal." Stan said casually.

"Like you can never die?" Baine asked with wide eyes.

"Nor age." Stan answered nodding.

"Actually, Stan, you are wrong on that on." I said with a sly smile.

"Really? How so?" He asked giving me a strange look.

"With this," I said grabbing my Grandma's book off my nightstand. "The secrets of time, I can make you any age you desire. I haven't mastered the spell yet, but I am getting close." I said.

Stan looked like he had just been handed a million dollars.

"You.. you can make me normal?" He asked his eyes wide with disbelief.

"Not exactly. I can make you a different age but no undo what's been done." I corrected.

"Oh, still, you can make it so I don't have to be fourteen for the rest of eternity?" He said smiling happily.

"Yes," I said returning his smile.

"Do it." Stan said seriously, his smile fading.

"Test out the spell on me. What's the worst that could happen? If I die, it's better than living forever as a fourteen year old. If you succeed, I am forty and you have figured out how to cast the spell. If you fail, nothing will change, and it will be like nothing ever happened." Stan begged.

"I don't know..." I said nervously.

"Please! I'll do anything!" Stan said dropping to his knees and begging.

"I don't see why not." Daylon said shrugging.

"Daylon, I don't know." I sighed.

"Do it." Baine said causally.

"Fine." I said finally caving.

I opened the book to the page with the aging spell.

"Daylon, you are going to have to help me with this. Were this is my first time on a human, I am going to need more power." I said not looking up from the book.

I looked up at Stan and asked "Are you sure you want to do this?"

He nodded in response.

I looked up at Daylon and gave him an unsure look. He smiled confidently and put his hand on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and started chanting the incantations. My skin glowed with a pearly white light, and Daylons with a baby blue light. In mid spell the light that surrounded Daylon changed from light blue to a brilliant golden light. The room suddenly erupted with a blinding white light.

When the light faded, there stood a forty year old Stan.

"It worked!" I yelled jumping up.

"Baine ..." Daylon gasped.

Stan and I both turned to see Baine on the ground, unconscious, and dying. 


Hey!!! So, how was that? Sorry it took so long to update, but I have been fairly busy lately. Sorry. 

Well this is quite the cliff hanger. Will Baine die? Will he live? Does he know something everyone else has forgotten? Oops, there I go again giving away too much info. Oh well, it will keep you guessing. You'll just have to wait and see. 

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