1 - The Weirdest Adventure

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The Day Starts off with Doni planing to troll Lynix and Quiff with a space mod..

"Finally got the mod installed, why did take so long but anyways let's see what the mod can do!" Doni said with excitement.

Doni would get on the spaceship not knowing what could happen..

"Only crap look at this!"

"I'm on Mars!" Doni yelled

"I kinda want to save the rest of the excitement for when Quiff and Lynix get on"

Everything has been set, Lynix and Quiff got on the server shortly after Doni finished everything, but they aren't alone..

"Alright Lynix here's the plan, you go get some wood for the tools and house while I get a pickaxe and stone sounds good?" Quiff said to Lynix

"Sound good to me!" Lynix replied

The two separated in other to get some progress going but little do they know about Doni planing to troll them..

"Hahahaha stupid idiots they don't know that I was here the entire time" Doni said

"Now.. Let's place the rocketship somewhere"

Doni placed the rocketship near Lynix

"Huh what is that?" Lynix asked to himself

"A rocketship!? Well don't mind if I do"

Lynix got into the rocketship with Doni following behind and went to unknown planet.. oh boy..

"Woah what is this place" Both Lynix and Doni said at the same time

"Oh crap I forgot I can't breathe in space!" Lynix said in a panic

Lynix entered the spaceship to go back to earth, a hostile monster charges at the spaceship grabbing on for dear life while Lynix and Doni returned to earth.

"Woah that was crazy.. I think to tell Quiff about this!" Lynix said

The monster let's go of the rocketship and turns themselves into a black butterfly to watch.

"Hahahaha the look on his face Hahaha" Doni laughing at Lynix's terrified look but then notices a black butterfly near him.

"I didn't know this mod added butterflie--"

Before Doni could finish his sentence the butterfly, impaling him, with a black tentacle that emerged from the butterfly's wing making Doni going fall and unvanished.

Lynix, after looking up at the sky to see if the planet can be seen from where he's at, see Doni falling on to the ground but didn't see him joining the game..

"Is.. is that Doni!?" Lynix said in a worried tone

"Was he trying to troll me and Quiff!? But why is he falling..? He would never do that.. would he..?" Lynix thought

"I should go see what's going on.."

Before Doni could hit the ground the black butterfly started to fuses themselves with Doni.

After Doni hit the ground, Lynix went over to help him but saw something different..

"Wha.. What happened to you.." Lynix said with fear in his eyes.

A monster that looked like Doni but isn't.
A monster that had Doni's body but with black goo on his arms, legs, his eyes and mouth were dripping black goo with a souless look, one of his eyes were a red hashtag with a green 'X' overlaping and the other eye, with a green iris and a red pupil.

Lynix knew that, whatever that thing is, it isn't Doni.

Lynix speechless after seeing Doni, The monster saw Lynix and pinned him on a tree..

"Don't tell anyone about this.." The creature said.

"Why didn't you.. Why didn't you kill.. Why didn't you kill me..?" Lynix stuttered with fear

"He would be a good host as well." The monster thought

"Answer me!" Lynix yelled

"Well, I don't kill people, absorb their fear.. and you have alot of it.."

"Go on with your friend Quiff and before you say.. Doni isn't dead and I am just using his body to be free from my planet and explore yours.."

"Don't forget, you tell anyone about me and you're dead!"

"I.. I understand.." Lynix said in a paink.


'Doni' would realise Lynix and would make his body to look like normal Doni.
Lynix started to run, wanting to tell Quiff but knowing that he will die if he does.

The monster, letting Doni in control and removing his memory about him getting stabbed.

Lynix went back to Quiff before night.

"Bro what took you so long." Quiff said

"I-i just found a creeper town.. yeah" Lynix said.

"That must suck anyways I found a cave nearby maybe we can go in here and find some iron!"

"Yeah let's go" Lynix said while following Quiff

The sun started to set and...

To be continued (I'm very tired..)

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