4 - A New Member

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Back to where we left off in the last chapter, Quiff was walking around in a mineshaft until he found diamonds.

He instantly mined some wood, stone and some nearby iron to make a iron pickaxe to mine the diamonds.

Once he picked up the diamonds (it was a 6 vane) he grab the furnace and the crafting table because it might be useful in the future and continued to walk forward.

He pulled out a torch to see where he was going and saw a staircase leading him back to where he was but this time, he was under the mineshaft aka the floor of the ravine.

He remembered that he can mine the gravel that block the two.

He'd place down the crafting table and made a shovel to mine the gravel, now he was on Lynix's side and ran down thinking
"if I was Lynix where would I be"
And followed the same path as Lynix.

Alright that's enough of Quiff's pov now let's see what Lynix was doing


Lynix and Doni's pov

While Lynix was walking he started to run out of food and only had raw food with him which won't really help but still looking for a way out.

He reached a dead end and turned around.

Doni, tired of this mess, start to feel an odd feeling around his whole body and realized that he can't stay in control for too long or who knows what will happen.

"Lynix I need to go now!" Doni said to Lynix in a rush

"Take this and use it when needed!" Doni would give Lynix a Night Vision potion and ran off

Lynix being confused as fuck, walks until he finds the water pool where Quiff drops down and sees Lynix.

"I thought you died!" Lynix said to Quiff with surprise

"I was going to say the same thing to you." Quiff replied to Lynix

"Also cool bracelet, found it in a chest?" Quiff asked

"Yep! Also thank you" Lynix replied

"Anyways let's go! I have some blocks that we can use to build up"

"But how will we get up from the ravine to land?" Lynix asked

"You'll see" Quiff started to build up with cobblestone until they reached the ravine, Quiff placed a crafting table, made a bucket and grabbed the water.

Quiff used the water as a ladder and once he got to the top where he pushed Lynix, he placed the water, making a waterfall for Lynix to climb.

"But what about the bedrock?" Lynix said

"It's only around the entrance but if we build straight up there wont be bedrock" Quiff replied while mining and building

The two finally returned to land where they were near their base.


While Lynix is finishing the worst base I have even seen Quiff got on this phone and messaged Bionic to give him the link to the server that they were on.

On Quiff's phone

Quiff: Sorry I kinda forgot to give ya the link.
Bionic: You forgot!?
Quiff: Yeah but im here now
Bionic: Well hurry up and give the link, I'm getting impatient
Quiff: Fine.


Bionic has joined the game

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