7 - The Stage of The "Bugs"

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What we saw in the last chapter, Doni and that thing (Butterfly) started to prepare something, something.. a theater of some kind..
But enough about Doni. Let's see how the others are..

Argumental Trio's POV:

After Doni's little show of explosions with the house the trio wanted to kill him once and for all but what they don't know is that one of them would not let that happen..

They were preparing to hunt down an owl that was called Doni, while they were preparing Lynix knows about that.. thing.. and starts wondering if this plan is really going to work..

He starts asking questions to himself like: "is this really going to work..?" or "What if that thing shows up again..?" but doesn't really worry that much to not let any suspicion leak out..

"Is everyone ready to hunt down this goddamn owl once and for all!" Bionic yells from on top of a hill which wasn't even that high.

"Yeah alright but we gotta make sure that Doni didn't give himself like, full netherite armour or something.." Quiff said to Bionic

"Quiff when did Done ever give himself netherite armour when he's doing a troll?" Bionic responded to Quiff with a question.

"Well.. never but-.." Quiff responded to that question but didn't finish his answer due to Bionic interrupting him

"Exactly!" Bionic yells at Quiff with a smile on his face. "That's what I'm saying! He's an easy target!" Bionic continuing his speech to Quiff while walking around the hill in a circle

"But he ALWAYS has something up his sleeve like a surprise attack that could.. I don't know.. sent us up to SPACE!?! Or could even......" Quiff said to Bionic with some good points about Doni but when he said space, the hearing started to be muffled for Lynix, to the point where he can't hear them and is only stuck in his own thoughts by himself... or even if he's in his own head.. there is still something there.. watching and listening..


"Why did feel weird when Quiff said space..? I don't have anything to do with space..... I think....?" Lynix thought to himself about his hearing problem and the connection with the word space..

The more Lynix sat and thought to himself the more confusing the puzzle gets until...

He remembered that day..

The day where it all when down.. the day where that THING came..

"Did..... Did the muffling and the word had to do with that rocket I went in a while ago..?" Lynix asked himself the question..

"but maybe I'm over thinking it.. I just went in a rocket and came back.. Doni turned into a monster and now my weird muffling.. im just over thinking.. right...?" Lynix asked himself another question but.. this time.... it came with an answer...


"HUH? WHO SAID THAT?!?.... Okay now that's not just me hearing stuff.." Lynix unaware of the voice in his mind stays on alert until the sound of snapping fingers can be heard from the outside of the mind..


"Ayo Lynix you there? You good?" Bionic continues to snap his fingers until he stops to slap Lynix in face waking him up from his daydream.

"Ow! What was that for!" Lynix waking from his daydream due to pain from being slapped by a cyborg but now he's inside?

"Wait how am I inside?" Lynix asked the two

Infection Bugs AU | Doni BobesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ