13 - Dr. [[D̵̢̺͖͓̻̩̆̅͜O̵͉͉͗̕͜͝ͅN̶̞̼̯̱̙̰͝J̶̠̙̠̮͒͐̓͝Į̷͉̪̇͂̉͗̑̈́̀͜ͅ]]

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GUESS WHO'S BACK FROM BEING A MONTH AWAY! IT'S ME! Sorry for being away for so long, I just REALLY needed a mental break but I'm back!
Now let's continue where we left off.

[Part 3 of 5]

[Days left: 2]

So after the sun rised up in the sky, Liger woke up and saw that the bugs weren't in control anymore, being curious about why the bugs weren't in control, he decided to ask the others.

"Yo, why aren't the bugs in control?" -Liger

"I don't know but I'm going to be honest, being in a void is kinda boring." -Kiply

"And the weirdest part is that we all were able to see the outside and eachother." -Quiff

"Also one more thing, NEVER play Uno with Lynix, he has no clue what he's doing!" -Bionic

"I know what I was doing." -Lynix

"NO YOU WEREN'T." -Everyone but Liger

"Let's just focus on the main topic, so Liger I'm guessing you haven't found the last bug yet?" -Quiff

"Yeah, we are going to find them today since we kinda done have alot of time." -Liger

"I guess we should start exploring before it becomes dark, is everyone ready?" -Bionic

"Yep!" -Everyone

So the gang left the base and explore behind the base since they haven't went there yet. They continue to explore as the area slowly began to look more.. destroyed...

The trees seemed to look more dead and colorful at the same time, with crystals sticking out of them. The grass looked even worse, with some parts being burn, others.. looking radioactive, covered with tnt and giant foot prints. The sky was covered with lines of tnt and.. weirdly cracks..?

"I really don't like this.." -Kiply

"Yeah, this is creeping me out..!" -Liger

"It's fine, we just gotta keep moving forward.. maybe we are getting closer to finding the bug... or something worse.." -Quiff

"Alright.. but if we die it's your fault!" -Bionic

"Fine.." -Quiff

They continue to walk keeping their guard up, the area begining to be covered in fog making it more harder to see.. until they heard an explosion from nearby...

"What was that!?" -Lynix

"It sounds like it's coming from up ahead!" -Bionic

"Whatever it is we need to keep moving.." -Quiff

"What if it's Butterfly..?" -Kiply

"We can outnumber him.. just keep on moving.." -Quiff

As they kept moving they saw a silhouette of a giant laboratory and explosions from the roof, as the fog cleared up they saw something else, something that was flying.. it looked like it was trying to stop the smoke.

"Woah this looks so cool! Maybe there is some OP weapons in here!" -Liger

"I wouldn't trust it.. and besides.. there was something flying up there.. it could've been Butterfly..!" -Quiff

"Well by the looks of it, it's a laboratory.. so maybe Liger is right and there could be some Lazer guns!" -Lynix

"Yeah I agree with them. If there are Lazer guns.. I'M GETTING THEM FIRST!" -Bionic

Infection Bugs AU | Doni BobesWhere stories live. Discover now