3 - Mineshaft Maze

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Hi! Catty aka Creator of this story here, I'm gonna stop using 'Doni' everytime the monster is in control, so for now on it will only be Doni okay?
ANYWAYS back to the story


Lynix, worried if Doni is trustworthy or not, returns to his main goal

Find Quiff and get out of this cave.

Lynix walks forwards with Doni following him, Lynix turns to Doni thinking that he went away but he didn't, Lynix having a confused face but it goes away, he doesn't really think about it and continues walking forward until he reaches a three way path.

Each path has no light so he can't see where each of them leads, Lynix grabs his only torch and tries to see where the end of the paths are..

The Right path has a barely visible light at the end.

The Left path has railing that leads into the path.

The Center path is pure silent, you can only hear the cave noises.


Lynix goes to the right path but gets stopped by Doni.

"Huh why did ya stop me?" Lynix asked Doni

"Let me go check it first then you go if I say it's safe, okay?" Doni replied

Doni would give himself night vision to see the paths.

"The left one has water, the center is the a dead end and the right one has lava."

"So the left path?"

"Yes, go left, and then take a right."


Lynix walked to the left path, trusting Doni, and gets splashed by water, he would take a right shortly after.
He would start trusting Doni abit more but is still scared of him, as soon as he turn right he saw a torch, it was not placed by Quiff tho, it was a naturally spawned one.

He'd pick it up but is too god damn short to reach it so he asks Doni for help with embarrassment..

"Ha Shorty" Doni said to Lynix as he was getting the torch

"Hey!" Lynix yelled at Doni for calling him short I'm sorry Lynix it's true tho that monster is like 6ft tall

After getting the torch and fighting for abit Doni tells him to go left again reaching a Minecart with a chest, Lynix opened the chest and the floor breaks under him, why?, He was standing on gravel that's why, and falls into water while Doni is just floating down.

Lynix leaves the pool of water and walks straight, this time, it's more lit up with more torches, Lynix would collect all the torches while following it, hoping it will lead him to a stair case or a waterfall up..


Quiff's pov:

"LYNIX! WHERE ARE YOU!" Quiff would yell for Lynix by calling his name hoping that he didn't lose him

Walking in a straight line while calling Lynix's name, not paying attention to where he's going, hits a wall like an idiot with a phone but with a missing person and in a cave that is a maze of pure silents.

Quiff looks to his right seeing a path with naturally spawning torches, he'd follow the torches leading him to a spider spawner but..

It wasn't spawning spiders..

The spawner didn't have torches around it so it was supposed to spawn spiders, Quiff weirded out but relieved that he didn't need to fight with no armor and a stone axe, continues his way to find Lynix.

Quiff heard some chests opening and footsteps and thought it was Lynix so he mined towards the sounds but... It wasn't Lynix... It was some weird alien looking thing that changed into a black scorpion.

Before it could even walk Quiff killed it with his stone axe but not all of it was gone, Quiff terrified after what he just saw and started to think to himself..

"Is this why Lynix was shaking? Did he see this thing? Why didn't he tell me? Why did this thing turn into a bug?" So many questions and no answers to be spoken.

Quiff started sprinting while thinking "if this thing is in the mine than there must be more! They can hurt or kill Lynix! Or maybe even me!" running to find his friend but runs out of breath, he sits down to regain his breath but still wanting to run.


Quiff thinks of an idea but doesn't know if it's a good one or not.

He grabs his phone but no signal.

"Damnit! I forgot the connection thing.." Quiff said with tired ass voice

"Maybe once we leave I will be able to get signal. It's just a matter of time.. right?"

Quiff gets up, regained his breath and starts to walk in this maze of a mineshaft, while walking, his phone starts to ring like crazy.

On the phone

Bionic: Bro
Bionic: Answer me
Bionic: I thought you were gonna invite me but I didn't get no notifications
Bionic: Hello?
Bionic: You there?
Bionic: Quiff?

The signal leaves as soon as Quiff tries to respond to Bionic.

"Damnit! Why does this world hate me." Quiff said

"But I shouldn't get sidetracked I need to find Lynix."

"Wait what time is it?"

"1:00 am"

"1:00 am already!? It's been 4 hours!?" Quiff said in a panic

He sprinted trying to find Lynix as soon as possible, hiting almost every single dead end that there is and almost running into lava.... Twice...

"THIS THING IS LIKE A MAZE THAT NEVER ENDS!" Quiff said with frustration untill he says "Fuck it!" and mines in a straight line.

Not giving a care in the world falls into pool of water, see what I did there? It's the same pool of water, okay I'll stop. Anyways instead of walking forwards he walks backwards, yes there is a path behide him, and starts sprinting like crazy.

Quiff stops sprinting, having a surprised look on his face and seeing the one thing that they were looking for...



Wooo 1056 words, it's less but who cares like no one will (I hope) but I'll take a week break for now, I posted 3 chapters in a row!
Soo that's a record for me anyways I'll try to answer some questions if you have some,
Do mind saying It, I'll try answer as many as possible.

Cya in a week!

Infection Bugs AU | Doni BobesWhere stories live. Discover now