New kid

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I see it everyday. And I'm reminded of him everyday.

Tyler sits in the drivers seat every time since he's the only one with a license. Other than Taze. Taze sits next to him. Taylas sits in the second row near the right window, and I sit in the middle seat next to him.

The seat next to me used to be taken. Taylor used to sit there. He was only 19.

I shake my head.

"Hey, new day remember?" Taylas nudges me.

Since Taylors death, we would keep reminding each other to focus on the present day. The new day.

Tyler pulls in to the school carpark and we start to get out.

"Ty Ty!" Tyler calls out. I turn and walk back to the car. "What?" I reply.

"One day at a time. We get through today then think about tomorrow." He rubs my arm. I nod and take a breath. "Get through today."

I stop at my locker to get my books and put some in.

"Heyyyy nut cracker" I jump at her voice. "Jeez  Mia!" I exhale loudly. "And stop calling me that." I glare.

She waves me off and closes my locker. She puts her arm around me and starts to stride, determined.

"Oh hey there Oscar" I wave, looking at him from behind Mia's back. He waves back and sends me a nod.

"So. I heard there's going to be a new kid in school. We are having a bet. Do you think he will be hot or nerdy; girl or boy?" We stop outside our English class.

"I am not having this conversation with you right now." I walk past her into the classroom.

"I will hook you up with someone!" She shouts from behind me.

I take my seat as I watch Mia and Oscar. Mia reaches up to give Oscar a quick peck on the lips before coming over to sit at her seat.

It's no surprise our teacher separated us. I sit in the back while she sits in the front.

Because I can still pay attention at the back unlike someone else

Oscar leaves just as our teacher, mrs Philips, comes in with a tall figure trailing behind her.

"Class, please be seated." Her voice echoing off wall to wall.

Once the class settles down, she starts to introduce, who I'm assuming, the new kid.

"We have a new student joining us today. So thanks to him we will not be having class today but instead we will get to know him and him, us." She announces.

Some students woop, while the rest stay silent; unbothered.

"Mr miller," she gestures to the class " take us away"

"I'm kaison miller." He's eyes run over the class. Then looks back at Mrs Philips.

"Oh Um alright then." She looks around the class and her eyes pause on me.

A nervous feeling creeps into my stomach.

Please please please-

"You can take a seat beside ms alex," she point towards me. "She can show you around after class, yes?" She looks to me and I nod. "Great!"


I watch as kaison walks over and sits down. A wave of warmth comes over me and I almost melt into my seat.

He puts his bag down next to his chair.

I can't help myself but check him out.

Long Dark brown hair. It's wavey. He wears just a plain grey hoodie but I can see a dark blue shirt peeking out from the bottom of it. Plus plain black jeans.

I take in his sharp face features. Sharp jaw, cheekbones, nose.. his eyes a deep dark blue. Like a dark hole. But beautiful. He also has a simple  round framed glasses on his nose, but he looks at me over it.

I snap my head back to face the front. Then I think better of it.

Now your the creep checking him out. Well technically- no your not creepy

I turn my body to face him entirely. And I put my hand out. " hi. I'm Tyra but my friends call me Ty." He looks at my hand then back to my face.

I slowly retract my hand. A bit disappointed.

"I guess your not a people person then." I face back to the front. " sucks to be you then" I side glance at him. "I'm as bad as people get" I whisper.

But he entirely ignores me.

The class goes on introducing themselves and what their favourite thing is. And now it's my turn.

I stand up, smoothing my skirt out. "I'm Tyra Alex and I like skating" I smile and sit down.

"If you want a picture just ask" I smirk and look at him staring at me.

"Already did" he replies. And I blush. " where do you want to go first after class?" I ask him.

"The field." He fiddles with his fingers. "Alright!" I stand up and look at him to do the same.

He stands and he has to be at least 6,4 because I barely reach his jaw.

He smirks at my amusement. " screw you miller." I push past him but he doesn't move, resulting in me falling.

"You stupid brick wall!" I stand up and walk briskly to the field. Of course he has no trouble keeping up.

We reach the field. I tug my baby blue skirt down, that was rising up my thighs.

"Are you going to sign up for football? Or are you a track and field kinda guy?" I look up at him casually.

He doesn't answer, so I just continue. " I have a few friends on the team. Two of my brothers too. Maybe I could get a good word in..." I pause to face my body to him " ...if you actually talk to me." I raise and eyebrow, challenging him.

He looks at me, dead in the eyes. Then faces me too. "Call me Kai"

"I guess that's a start." I throw my hands up. "I'll show you to your next class and we can meet back here to continue the tour?" I offer.

He nods.

I cup my hands to my ear.

He groans. "Yes; yup; mhm; perfect; for sure; sounds great; meet you here." He says rolling his eyes.

I can't help but chuckle. "Oh please. I'm not that bad." And I start off walking off the field.

"Next class?"

"Chemistry, room 4C" he looks up from his paper.

"Ouch. That's a long walk buddy." I wince playfully and head towards the C block.

A 10 damn minute walk later, I've shown him to his class and introduced him to the teacher. I wave goodbye and he nods back.

I make my way to block B for my next class, literature. Ugh!

It's pointless. So stupid. But you still kind of like it?


I reach my class and take my seat in the middle row like always.

One day at a time. We get through today, then think about tomorrow

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