The plague

18 1 0


Tyra has been avoiding me like the plague.

She didn't meet up with me at school to show me around today. But there is practise. So I'm hoping she's going to be there.

I grab my bag from beside my table and make my Way to the field.

Most of the guys are already there by the time I get there. Tyler and Taze have clipboards in their hands.

Almost everyone is here except Tyra.

I just don't understand why she ran off like that. I just said we would leave after getting my stuff. I'm just glad that she's safe.

"Alright boys, warm up time!" Coach alex shouts.

We run as a team and stretch individually.

I'm stretching my hamstrings as Tyler comes up to me. He takes a seat on the grass beside me.

"I know you've got a thing for my sister." He takes a pause.

"Is she ok-"

"Her last boyfriend was abusive. And from the way you are looking around for her, you don't know what you did. Am I correct?"  He looks straight ahead.

"Yeah. She came to one of my matches a few days ago and something happened in the locker room. Not to her. But I got mad at my coach and I just said I would grab my things and I'd drop her off. Then she said good job on the fight and ran off."

"Did you forget to lower your voice when speaking to her?" He looks over at me with one eyebrow raised.

I think back on it and he's right. I didn't.  "Is she coming today?" I quickly ask.

"No. She has training. My dad doesn't like to say it but she's not really on the team. She just like to help out when she can. But she does have her own things to do. She does ice skating. At the rink with a friend. Pair skating. They're really good."

I nod my head. Making sure to visit her during practise someday. " but why does she get catcalled so often?"

"That is not my story to tell. Sorry man." He gaze flicked to caoch then to the grass at his feet. " and our dad doesn't go easy on any guys that hang around her. It's tough when you realise someone has been hurting your child. And for that long period of time." He looks at me. " you better not mess up because once u gain his trust, if u lose it there's no getting it back." He gets up and walks back to taylas.

Okay. So take things slow and let her make the first moves. I think I can do that.

I think back to what Tyler said about her last relationship. How someone who could have gone through so much still smile to brightly. Or how anyone could even dare lay a hand on her.

Training went by painfully slow as the only thing on my mind was Tyra. We had our debrief and I rushed off right after, not bothering to change.

I checked with Tyler if she would still be at the rink and he said she should be.

I threw my bags into the back seat and put the car in reverse, travelling at just the speed limit.

What would I say?

How am I Ganna say it?

I took a deep breath and calmed myself. This girl has made me feel things that no has ever.

But she doesn't know about kayla. What would she think then? Would she still be with me.

Hell we aren't even together right now.

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