Bold moves

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The sunlight hits my eyes, waking me up at an ungodly hour. Did I not close the blinds last nig- rigghhtt. I was ....busy

I turn around to find an empty bed. What the heck?

I get up and try to take a step but my legs wiggle and I fall back on my bed. Damn it Kaison what have you done.

I force myself up, focusing on one leg I for t if the other. I step into the kitchen and calm for kai. No response

He wouldn't leave in the middle of the night right?

I find my phone and open our chat.

Kaison: good morning bluey. Sorry I had to leave halfway. See you in school!

School... SCHOOL?

I check the time and I'm late.

I hop in the shower and try to be as fast as possible but by the time I come out I only have 10 minutes to leave.

I need to pack my bag, makeup, clothes, eat.

I throw all the books I need for today into a pile next to my bag and pull out the closest thing I could find from my closet.  A pair of blue jeans an a crop top.

Wait... after what we did last night, are we.. together?

I shake my head. I don't have time to think of that right now.I grab an h free ear that's on too and a strapless bra.

I start on my makeup but keep it simple since I do t have much time. Concealer, mascara, lipgloss.

I stuff the books in my bag and grab a left over pastry for last night before running out the door.

I take my phone out and call Luca. He picks up on the third ring. " good morning sunshine how can I help you this fine-"

"I need a Lyft. I'm late. Please please please! I'll like.... Sharpen your skates for a week!"  I beg him, speed walking down my street.

"Alright alright I would have said yes without the sharpening my skates but I'll take that too." I hang up and hope he comes fast.

I hear his music that he always plays when picking me up. He says it's better than honking out side and easier than getting out and k coming the door.

Relief washes through me as I see his black car turn the corner.

The car barely stops before I open the door and close it behind me. "Thank you thank you thank you so muchhh! I could kiss you right now-"

"Please don't." He look at me seriously but I know he's playing. "So care to share why your late?"

"No really." I turn my face to look out the window before he can see the blush creeping up my neck.

"Does it start with k? Maybe rhyme with Tyson?" He smirks at me.

I shove his shoulder but keep my mouth shut. Me and Luca have shared every detail of our lives since we were kids. We met at a ice skating tryouts and have been pared together ever since. Apart from time where we were injured.

"Be careful okay? From what I've heard he's a good guy but just in case. You notice him doing anything.. familiar, you tell me. I love you aight?" He pats my thigh.

"I know. But so far he's been a godsend."

He parks his car and helps me out. I tell him I need to stop by my locker to get a book my I really just wanted a bit of time to see where kai went. I want to know why he left last night.

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