The rink

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I pull my duffel bag out from the trunk and sling it over my shoulder. Taze walks me to the door and holds it open for me. " I'll come pick you up" and he leaves.

"Ty!" - london
"Tyra!" - Luca
"Nut cracker!" - Mia.

I can't help but smile at their foolishness.

Mia throws herself onto me, almost dropping me. London gives me a side hug, but it's not awkward. Luca hangs back.

I tilt my head up to him and wrap my arms around his waist. "Luca, stop resisting." I test him playfully. "It's the pout, okay!" He whines.

He lifts me up into a snug hug. He inhaled my hair while I kiss his cheek lightly.

He's straight but we have never had feelings for each other. It's like a sibling love. We tease and shove and play with each other. He's like family to me. Including Mia and London of course.

He kisses my nose and throws me over his shoulder. "We have work to do!" He strides towards the lockers.

He sets me down gently on a bench, and I start to change my shoes.

I tug on my white skates, that I bought a few weeks ago, and pull my black leggings over it after I tied it. I did the same on my other foot and then began to change.

I dig in my bag to find my sea blue tight inner long sleeve shirt and a loose light blue hoodie.

Luca turns around without me having to ask.

I here the door jingle open and I'm pulling my shirt down my chest.

I turn back to my group and signal that I'm ready.

"After you" Luca bends down at the rink entrance. "Why thank you" I reply in the same manner.

Hoodie still in hand, I start skating around the rink plainly, while putting it on. "Hey!" Luca shouts from behind me.

I come to a stop to smirk at him. " you have to be shitting me Tyra. That's the 3rd one this week you have stolen from me." He grumbles.

I slowly make my way towards him. " what can I say, I'm a collector."

He rolls his eyes and we begin our warm up. Doing simple jumps and turns, to warm up our bodies.

London helps me and Luca practice our new movie a little before our coach arrives.

We say our good mornings. And she speaks. "Looks like we have an audience today." She looks to the stands, and we follow suite.

I don't know 3 of them but I know one of them.  I wave to kaison.

"Who wave you to they?" Luca whispers in my ear stupidly. I point to kaison " that's kaison, he's new at our school and I'm showing him around." I explain. He nods "ahhhh ok ok"

Kaison barely nods back.

"Alright class, shall we begin?"


"Alright class, shall we begin?" Their coach asks.

Zander nudges me arm. " you know that chick?"

"She goes to my school." I reply dryly. "So what's the point of this?"

Polaris answers first. " not sure. But we used to love ice skating back home, so why not check it out?" She explains.

She has a point.

"Maybe we could even ask if we can join"  she continues.

"Yeah you could ask that chick."polis adds.

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