Laugh and pain

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I'm packing my things when I hear Eli talking.

"Did you see her ass?!" He whispers to his friends. " I want to bite it." He moans.

I take a deep breath. Guys look at girls. It's normal.

"I got her number. I'm going to fuck her so hard- oh god I'm wet just thinking about it."

Guys do that too.

"I can't believe I got her so easily. She's so innocent. But such a slut" his friends laugh and congratulate him.

I look over at Tyra packing her things. So innocent.

" what if she says no?" One of his friends smirk.

"Im not letting such potential go to waste dude. If she says no, I say yes" he replies. "She won't tell anyone, she's a pussy."

The vision of Eli fucking Tyra takes over. Tyra screaming for him to stop. Him enjoying it.

Before I could care, I'm on top of him. Punching him one after the other.

I aim for his nose to knock him out, but he gets my face. I hold him down while I feel blood drip from my nose.

He' would punch her if he really wanted to.

I lift his head up and drop it down onto the ground earning a scream from him.

I can't stop myself from what happened next. And I don't want to.

What a dick. He deserves this.

I hear people screaming, and trying to get me off him. But I don't budge.

Two firm arms shove me off him strongly. I charge forward, back to him but the hands stop and hold me.

There's a crowd forming around Eli.

"Tyra! Get over here!" Taylas calls.

Tyra rushes and kneels down beside him. She touches his face, examining his wounds caused by my hands. "He needs a hospital" she says so soft I barely hear her.

She stands and moves away from him. Then looks at me.

There's only horror in her eyes. She's.. she's scared of me.

"Tyr-" she doesn't let me finish.

"What the fuck is wrong with you " she shouts, walking up to me.


"No. What the fuck did he do to you. Huh?!"

The hands slowly let go of me, but still hover around me.

I take a step closer to her but she moves back. "Please stay there."

I hear sirens in the distance.

She looks so disappointed in me. And for some reason it hurts like a bitch.

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