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"Get back here, little guy!" Yelled the red-eyed woman, her long legs helped her catch up to the large beast in front of her easily, she grinned while the beast whimpered. Sweat dripped down it's fur, but the woman didn't care.

She needed to cook some meat and she was set on making this beast her food. "The crew has gotten extra hungry and Mugren asked me to help him cook tonight. I, of course, volunteered to get the biggest catch of the night, and you're the perfect meal for tonight! How would you like to be cooked, huh?"

The beast in front of her was built like a giant dog, but this beast had one eye instead of two, three tails, and three legs. So, not really built like a dog, but still built like a dog.

Though, before the woman could try and pounce at the animal, a giant paw squashed her dead. Blood splattered all over the ground as smoke covered the bottom of the strange large paw, but the dog-beast was more than relieved to see it's mother.

It began barking, but that was short lived once it's mother moved and the woman from before stood before them. "Hey, you! I was trying to take this little guy back to my crew~. I would like if you didn't get in my way, girly~.."

The larger mother-beast growled, but couldn't help but feel threatened by the tall woman that was standing on her snout.

"It looks like you're bigger than that little one, though. I'm sure the crew wouldn't mind if I took back ten weeks worth of meat supply.." The tan skinned woman's canines were visible as she grinned at the two dog-like-beasts. The animals whimpered and tried to run away from the fierce woman, but were too late.

For, the immortal had already taken their hearts before they could even move a single muscle. She smiled in satisfaction while she threw away the animals' hearts to the side, "Finally. I'm sure Mugren will be happy with this.."

So, she took the animals to Mugren. And let me tell you, Mugren was not happy with the woman's catch. "How am I going to cook this small one, let alone the other?! That other one is too big! What's up with you and your monster catches!" Mugren's jaw was on the floor as he stared at the two beasts that Brynn was dragging behind her.

He couldn't believe his eyes! He didn't want a catch this big, no! He wouldn't even be able to cook the smaller beast, let alone store it's mother inside the ship for their emergency food supply. The pirates couldn't even fit in the ship properly without two of them having to sail behind the ship on a small rowing boat!

"Okay, I get it! I'll just finish this myself with the Cap'n~!" She huffed childishly, "The captain is knocked out for the day, woman." Yui sighed.

"Fine, I'll eat it by myself~." Brynn sang as she went to go start a fire in the forest, she stripped the animals of their fur, cut them up, seasoned them, and made some other condiments for the side dishes. She made a large pan out of a rock she broke in half and placed all the meat she could on top of it.

Not even trying to use any of her strength, Brynn lifted up the large pan with ease and plopped it on top of the fire she started. The woman sighed and sat next to the pan while she turned the pieces of meat every now and then so that they'd get cooked correctly.

A while later, small animals began gathering around the red-eyed woman, drooling at the tasty-smelling meat while Brynn ignored them. She picked one of the pieces of meat up, tossed it inside her mouth, ate it and grinned.

Even if she didn't need food to survive, she sure as hell enjoyed eating it. She loved food so much and hoped that she'd meet someone in the future that did, too. "Have some~.." Brynn cooed as she began tossing some of the meat to the small animals around her. Animals like bears, foxes and pigs sat next to her, enjoying the food she gave them.

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