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Brynn walked inside the cell with her hands in the pockets of the jeans she was able to get from a knocked out marine, the woman—Sennet, was trembling while leaning against the wall with her hands tied up.

"I'll be taking.." Brynn muttered while leaning down to face the woman, she cupped Sennet's chin with the tip of her fingers and tilt her head to the side, "What you have hiding right here." The immortal grinned, reaching inside the pocket of Sennet's shirt, Brynn pulled out a dagger.

"Huh? Jimbei gave me that to keep myself safe." Sennet gasped.

"It's a fine dagger." Brynn whispered while examining the weapon, "This row of five hawthorns..means it's by the master craftsman Talbas. It fits in my palm perfectly, and has just the right weight to it." Brynn widened her eyes to appear interested, "Even the ornamentation doesn't get in the way of its use." Brynn admitted.

She swiped the dagger vertically and broke the chains that were secured around Sennet's wrists—with a loud swish sound, Sennet's eyes widened as she was now free and no longer tied up to a wall. "The cut's not bad either." Brynn smirked, and if you looked closely enough, she had a faint sparkle in her eyes from talking about the dagger.

"I...I don't know who you are, but you have my thanks. If..if you could take me back to my town now..a-and as for that dagger, it's a memento of my friend, Jimbei. It means so very much to me, so—"

"Wrong." Brynn grinned as she side-eyed Sennet, glaring at her, she said, "It belongs to me now." Brynn said. Startled by the glare and the hostility she received from Brynn, Sennet's eyes widened and her face paled from the scare she got.

Before Brynn could even say another word to the woman, another voice spoke up. "And just where do you think you're going, Brynn the Undead, former crew member to the Roger Pirates?" The voice spoke, Brynn rolled her eyes and turned around to face the new character.

"Huh?" Sennet muttered.

"You're going to die here!!" The, now presented, Commander Jude(OC), shouted. "Yo. It's Commander Jude!" Brynn snickered, a small grin was etched on her face after realizing who the person was. "The Roger Pirates?!" Sennet whisper shouted, 'This woman was one of them?' She wondered to herself.

"You're going to kill me? And why is that?" Brynn whistled, "Because there's no other reason to keep you alive anymore. Besides, that rookie is causing trouble down here and we cannot allow you to escape." Jude huffed, his entire build was emitting steam, Brynn figured it had something to do with his fire-laced armor.

"Hahaha. You wish." Brynn deadpanned, "Have you forgotten who it was.." Jude frowned, he glared at the woman in front of him and ignored the quivering one behind the criminal. He didn't really know who the one behind Brynn was, but if she was here, then she must've been a criminal, too. And Jude doesn't show any mercy to criminals.

"Who captured and imprisoned you all those years ago?" Jude smirked.


Somewhere at the 3rd floor was a certain pirate with an all too familiar straw hat, one that Brynn has seen many times and dearly missed. Straw Hat, Monkey D. Luffy had been running around the prison with the intent to save his brother, Portgaz D. Ace. With Luffy, there were three others.

"Inferno Hell is just below us! We're not going down to level 4!"

"Why not?"

"Are you crazy?!"

Mr. 3 shrieked, "We're trying to break out of this prison! Out!" He shouted. "Yeah!! So we have to go up! Up! Get it?" Buggy hollered while pointing upwards, Mr. 3 did the same thing as Buggy. "Wow! Look at this huge chunk of dried blood that was up my nose!" Luffy huffed while looking at his finger.

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