The cafe

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Taehyung stood there, at the door he called for his brother, "Hyung?" He said and walked inside.

Namjoon quickly looked down away from Taehyung, "I'll talk to you at home Taehyung, I'm busy with work right now. I'll tell the driver to drop you home." He said, pretending to be busy reading the document.

Tears started to form in the cat like eyes of the younger man, almost threatening to fall on his honey tanned face, he walked forward, "No Hyung you always do that, did I do something wrong? Why are you always so hostile towards me-"

"Taehyung." He said in calmly, "Leave right now." "No!" Taehyung said and Namjoon looked up as he raised an eyebrow. "No?" Namjoon repeated.

"You told me to go study high-school in England, I did. I left my friends behind, my family and-"

"Taehyung!" He shouted slamming his fist on the table.

"Alright then." Taehyung said backing away slowly, wiping his tears and then storming out of the office room, Mr Park bowed at Namjoon once and followed behind Taehyung.

Namjoon on the other hand kept staring at door for a few seconds but when he caught himself doing so he shook his head lightly and went back to his work. There wasn't much work to do today, that means he could go home earlier.On other days he would love to do so, but not today, he didn't want to face his younger brother. He tried to stay as busy as he could.

While Taehyung kept walking as fast he could on the road, his guards carrying his luggage were following him also followed by Mr Park. Taehyung had a straight, expressionless, but Mr Park knew what his expressionless face meant. Taehyung was angry, very, he stormed in the nearest cafe, and sat at the first empty seat he saw.

He kept shaking his legs and fidgeting with his fingers. He looked quite distracted, as the waiter who was asking him for what he wanted to have, was ignored, though not deliberately.

"Excuse me Sir?" The waiter asked as he hesitantly tapped on Taehyung's shoulder lightly to finally get his attention. "Huh?" Taehyung asked, startled, as he turned towards the waiter and raised an eyebrow.

"Your order." The waiter replied, his name tag read 'Jungkook' on the brown staff uniform he was wearing.

"Oh yeah the order." Taehyung repeated finally getting out of his thoughts, "Iced Tea, thank you." He placed the order. Jungkook hummed and went to the kitchen to tell for Taehyung's order.

While the iced tea was being prepared, Jungkook kept taking glances at the customer sitting on table no 2.

That customer looked quite rich, quite verry rich. He had on an expensive attire, two bulky guards and a man that Jungkook assumed was probably his secretary.

What was even there for the young master to worry about, he probably lived a life of luxury that Jungkook could just dream of, no part time jobs, no worry for the money and rich influential parents. He sighed, people are so ungrateful.

"Jungkook! Order for table no 2!"

"Alright!" He answered and looked once at Taehyung pouting. He went to take Taehyung's iced tea order from the kitchen and walked towards his table with the order.

"Sir, your order." He said. Taehyung nodded, took the glass and started sipping the tea. Jungkook kept standing there for a few seconds, observing Taehyung, fighting his urge to speak and trying to mind his own buisness as he clutched the tray firmly. He turned around to finally leave.

"Wait." He heard the customer he just served call for him. He turned towards him and asked, "Yes sir?"

"Could I get more ice cubes?" Taehyung said. Jungkook hummed and got him more ice cubes. Afyer staring at Taehyung for a while, Jungkook finally gathered his courage and asked, "Is there something wrong sir?" Ahh why did ask that, I hope he doesn't think I am weird.

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