Break Up • Thomas

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"Psst." I hear someone say from behind me. I'm currently sitting in my english Literature class, in the middle of a test.

I turn around and see Vic, looking at her phone - completely ignoring the test.

"The band is practicing after school, you wanna come with?" She whispers to me.

"I can't, I have stuff to do today, but thanks for the offer." I smile at her, and return to my test.

"I just thought you would wanna see Thomas, he's been missing you a lot recently."

"I wish I could, but I have things to do, he'll just have to wait for another day."

We both return to our tests, and I luckily finish in the nick of time.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" Vic asks as we walk out of school. She was usually someone who will nag until you say yes, so seeing as she's almost instantly dropped the band practice is very strange.

"Yeah, tell the guys I said hi."

"I will, byee!" I watch her as she runs off to her house, that was only a few blocks away from school.

"Not going to Vic's today?" My friend, nick joins me, looking off as Vic disappears from our sight.

"Nope, we made plans to finish that song together remember?"

I watch as her face fills with realization, clearly having forgotten about the plans.

"And you forgot."

"I am so sorry, I promise we'll do it another day, seriously just give me a day, and I'll be there."

"Thanks Nick, might as well stop by Vic's house, her and the guys are having their practice earlier today, so I should make an appearance."

"Good luck with that, I heard that Thomas has been all kinda of cranky lately."

"Good for me then." I smile back at her, and walk in the direction of Vic's house. I end up putting on some music, so my walk there wouldn't be as boring as usual.

I walk up her driveway, and make my usual journey to the studio. Walking down the stairs I hear slight talking in there. Listening for a while before going in, I hear something that I wish I never did.

"I just don't really like her anymore, she's old and rusted."

"But she's been with you for so long, how could you just give her up like that?" Ethan asks.

I press my ear closer onto the door, wanting to figure out if my suspicions are right.

"We just don't work well together anymore. It's not my problem if that's the case."

"It's your choice but I think it's a dumb decision."

"Maybe, I'll just have to talk to Vic about it, she'll know what's best for both of us."

Tears spring to my eyes, as I realize that while I was so busy in my own life, I never made time for Thomas - now he wants to completely break up with me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Vic places her hand on my back, giving me a shock. I look at her, and instantly run away.

I run all the way to the pier, it's a place that has become very special to me over the last year - since I've been with Thomas. I sit down on one of the logs on the beach and look out at the ocean.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I already know it's Thomas, so I don't actually respond to his voice.

"Vic said you were at the studio, but you were crying, is everything okay?" He stands in front of me, crouching down so I can look at him in the eyes.

"You tell me?"

His eyebrows furrow, and he opens his mouth to say something, before snapping it closed again. He stands up and sits down next to me. We sit in silence for a few minutes, when I decide to speak up again.

"I heard what you said to the guys earlier. I get it if you wanna break up, I just wish you would've come to me first." I feel his stare on me, but I can't find it in myself to look back at him.

"What are you talking about? I don't wanna break up with you?"

"Well it sounded like you did. And just saying, I'm not old - you're the old one in this relationship not me."

He sits silently, when he suddenly lets out an 'ohhhh'. I snap my head toward him, waiting for an explanation.

"She is old and rusted, we don't work well together - you thought I was talking about you."

"Who else would you be talking about? Oh my god. You're cheating on me aren't you?"

"Woah, slow that down. I'm not cheating on you at all. I was talking about my fender."

I look at him with innocent eyes, knowing full well that he's always referred to his guitars with she/her pronouns.

"Oops?" I give him a fake smile, trying to defuse the tension. He smiles at me and tackles me into the sand. I know there was a conversation that was bound to happen about me thinking he wants to break up, but for now, it was just us being idiots on the beach, and that's all I could really want.

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