Chapter One. (Walnut POV)

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Hmph. Why was Roguefort SO difficult.
He got away yet again, and I have to spend my time chasing after him! I wish my dad would help, instead he just says things like "He could've chose a different path."

Ugh! It's so annoying.
I stomped home from the bank, there was no use looking at the clue Roguefort gave until I got there.

I froze after hearing a scream. Why would someone be screaming?
I turned around and looked frozen in terror as I saw someone bite into the arm of someone else.

I need to help them, I ran towards the scene only to feel something grab me and tug me back, it was a person.

Wait, no. They weren't alive!

I could see the rotten skin peeling off their face, and their eyes were sunken back and empty. This was a dead man.

I screamed as it pulled me towards it, I closed my eyes in fear before I heard a gunshot and a body hitting the floor.

The grip on my arm disappeared and I opened my eyes to see my father.


I ran to him, I need to know what is going on.

"What's happening??"

I could feel tears in my eyes. This was horrifying.

Almond looked at me and replied.

"We got word at the station from Doctor Wasabi. They called us in a panic about how they 'accidentally' started a zombie virus. We thought it was a prank until she died on the call. Apparently she tested it on Mustard and didn't have the guts to put her down in time."

I couldn't believe it.

"A zombie outbreak??"

"Exactly, so it should be obvious we can't stay here. Staying in the open is a death wish."

Almond grabbed my hand and ran to his car, I got in the backseat and he got in the front, he locked the doors and started the engine.

I stared outside the window, watching people scream and scream, eat and eat. It was horrible.
How could this happen?

I rolled up the window and my father started to drive. I watched people scream for help outside until I couldn't bear it anymore. I covered my ears.

It felt like ages before the car stopped.

"Where are we?" I asked.

Almond sighed.

"I drove by the house, it seems a few got inside."

"But.. Constable Whiskers!"

Almond frowned

"It seems that's what they got to."

Our house was gone, our cat was gone. This couldn't get any worse.

"We're at a warehouse."

I looked up at him, confused.

"Why a warehouse?"

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