Chapter Six (Sparkling POV)

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(Day 2:
Time: Early Morning)

Huff huff..

I ran and ran, oh my God did I run.
Herb was by my side, the only friend I know I have left. Vampire, Mint Choco, Milk- I haven't heard from either of them since this began. Oh I hope they're okay.
Not the time- I'm getting sidetracked.
I looked behind as I continued to run, I thought the movies said they were slow- Oh my god I knew Z-Nation was right.

Herb fell over- Oh my GOD Herb this is not the time for white girl shit. I pulled him to his feet and continued to run.
How long have we been running? This crowd of- zombies sure isn't planning on leaving us be.. Where do we go?
I kept looking at buildings as we ran, but all seemed overrun.

I threw my drink mixer at the crowd behind me- What was that going to do? Absolutely nothing. The blood was rushing to my head and Herb was literally tripping over every dead body on the way.
I glanced behind once again.

They're gaining on us.

I took a deep breath and took a quick turn into an alleyway with Herb.
I don't know what I was thinking, now we are cornered. The zombies turned and faced us.

Quick thinking.. Uh- Walking Dead, Glenn saved Rick by-
I looked over, perfect. I grabbed onto the ladder at the side of the building.

"Herb, come on!"

I climbed up the ladder and Herb climbed after me. The zombies couldn't climb- thank God.

"Herb, being on the roof of a building isn't the best.. See that window there? I'm going to try and open it. Then we can sneak inside there.. But wait here for my signal."

Herb nodded

"What's the signal-"

I shrugged and reached out towards the window, it had an outside lock.. Old buildings like that are cool.
I grabbed the latch and pulled on it, watching the window open. It'll be hard to get over to it- There is a chance to fall-
I looked down and swallowed. Not only would the height break a leg or two, but the zombies would finish us off if the fall didn't. I took a deep breath.

I got this- I reached out my leg and set it on the ledge of the window, the held the rim with my hand and pulled myself towards it. I felt my leg slip and I quickly grabbed on with my other hand just as I fell down.
I heard Herb gasp as he saw me slip.

I pulled myself up into the window. Yeah- that definitely wasn't close.

I was in a bedroom.. I guess this was an apartment.
I looked around the room a bit, everything seemed clean.
No dead anyways- I walked back to the window and reached my hand out.

"It's safe."

Herb reached out and took my hand, before pulling himself into the window

"Sparkling, my plants at home are gonna die. 😔"

"... Herb-"

I took a deep breath.

"I'm sure they'll be okay, after all.. It's been raining quite alot, and I'm sure the zombies aren't Omnivores."

Herb seemed to calm down-

We're still in a predicament

"Herb, stay here. I'll go check out the rest of the apartment "

I left the bedroom and closed the door behind me. I walked down the room. It was definitely an apartment.
I was in the kitchen when I noticed the smell.

The smell of the dead-

I looked around and grabbed a knife from the knife block.

Ronco Rocker.

I turned around and slowly walked forwards

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I turned around and slowly walked forwards.
Something grabbed me from behind, I turned around and stabbed at it. Then froze.


I let go of the knife and quickly covered my mouth.

"Oh my god.. Herb, I-"

He was on the ground bleeding out, why had he left the room?

I bent over and took off his apron, then pressed it against the wound

"Please don't leave me.. I'm sorry- I thought you were.."

His eyes were closed.. His breathing was shallow. Why did I do this?

I kept putting pressure on the wound but the blood didn't seem to be getting close to a stop at all.

"Herb.. Please.."

His breathing stopped.
I let go of the apron.

I didn't know- I killed my only friend left. He's gone- Why? He-

I felt tears stream down my face.
I started to sob and bent over Herb, to hug his body.

I don't know how long I cried. But by the time I was done, it was sunset. I felt Herb's breathing start up again.


I sat up quickly and got to my feet.

I can't watch this. I can't.

I ran out of the door to the apartment and saw zombies in the hall.. That was the smell.
I heard a thud from the apartment and knew Herb was up.

I ran down the hall opposite from the zombies and ran down the staircase. Down and down. I quickly ran out the front door of the building. I had blood all over myself. I realized that now. Herb's blood.

I shook my head and kept running. I saw a gate and opened it, then closed it behind me. I slowly walked forward towards what seemed like a-

I heard a gun's safety click from behind me.

I slowly looked around, and saw a gun pointed at me. Two seconds later I felt myself get hit in the back of my head, and I dropped cold.

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