Chapter Four (Earl Grey POV)

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(I suck at being certain characters so stfu. Also uh. Idk, I'm just here)

I quietly hummed and walked around the halls of the hotel. Everything seemed in order, and not a wreck of dust to be seen. I closed my eyes and listened to the quiet chatter of the guests.
The peaceful scenery of the hotel is what enticed visitors from far and wide. Quite proud of it, I must say I am.
The soft music playing just finishes the atmosphere.

Almost perfect, although nothing is perfect I suppose. It could always be close enough.
I slowly stepped down the stairs when I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder, a guest I suppose.. Needing assistance. I'll need to check on the staff later to see what they are doing.. I fixed my glasses and turned around to see a pale skinned person staring at me with blank, dead, dark eyes. I opened my mouth to speak when it pulled me in, to what seemed to be an attempt of a bite. I pushed the person away and fell down the stairs. I must say it is not recommended to fall down hotel stairs.


I stood up and opened my eyes to see blood staining the carpet.. I must've hit my head. I looked up at the person, although with difficulty, as it appears one of the lenses on my glasses were cracked. They were stumbling down the stairs, I kept a hand on my head, feeling blood for sure.

By now a few of the guests gathered around to see what the newcomer had done.
I focused my view and began to see that the figure was covered in blood.. But they seemed to be the one it came from. As I was about to step forward to see, I heard the hotel doors burst open, filled with screams.

I swiftly turned around and saw the blur of people fighting.. Although it wasn't a fight. It was an attack. Blood was everywhere, staining my BEAUTIFUL carpet. 😞

Whilst I heard another scream aswell, from the women's restroom.. Now on a normal situation I wouldn't dream of entering this room, but it appears the voice belongs to none other but the Chess Chocos. Along with the situation at hand, it seems entering and seeing what was going on would be the best choice. I ran out of the lobby, leaving the screams of people behind, and ran to the door of the women's restroom.

I slowly stepped inside and closed the door behind me, I looked over the corner to see a stall door closed and one of the creatures banging at it.

Pawn Black's head was peeking over the top, so I assume Pawn White helped her up to check.
I have no expertise in these kinds of situations, although Pawn White has made me watch plenty of horror movies.


I slowly stepped from behind the corner, despite my mind slowly becoming foggy from blood loss, helping the twins is probably my highest priority.

Destroying my hotel is probably the most heartbreak thing I'll ever have to do, but it seems necessary.

I slammed my fist into the mirror, and watches it shatter.

The creature turned around to look at me, and tumbled forward rather quickly. I grabbed a shard of the mirror and quickly held it up infront of me, at the zombie.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Pawn Black climb down from the stall and open the stall door.
I stabbed at the creature in the head, by pure luck it collapsed. By pure misfortune, I got covered in it's blood. I'll remind myself to get another uniform before I leave..

I dropped the shard of glass, and looked at the Chess Chocos who had just exit the stall.

"Eww.. You're in the girls bathroom!"

"What she said."

I couldn't help but smile at Pawn White's- not the best joke.

Pawn Black looked at the body on the floor

"What is going on??"

"What is happening?"

The twins asked together

I spoke my head, not even I knew that.
I scooped them both up in my arms..
Pawn White was the first to speak up

"We need to get outta here!"

Pawn Black spoke shortly after

"Medical supplies may be needed.."

"Right indeed.."

The hotel had gone silent. The only sounds heard were Moans and Growls. And the quiet screams from outside.

I slowly sneaked back out of the women's restroom.. The twins both sitting on my shoulders.

I looked around quietly and saw the creatures roaming around.. I looked at the front door, which had been utterly destroyed, then looked up the stairs.. Which was hoarded. It seemed the best chance was the exit the building..

"We might have to run for it!"

"Let's run for it."

The twins had stated together again.
The odds were not on their favor, but arguing wasn't a bring choice. I dipped my head and ran towards the exit. I quickly slid past where the front door used to be, and turned and ran down the sidewalk as the creatures had started to notice..

I'm sure the Chess Chocos had started to notice my speed faltering.

"Hmm. Let's hide in there!"

Pawn White pointed to what appeared to be a corner store. The sign said closed, so it should be empty.

Pawn Black agreed.

"Let's hide."

I carried both of the girls to the door, and I turned the handle, it surprisingly opened. I turned around and glanced at one of the creatures who began to approach. I slipped inside the store and closed the door.. I set the Chess Chocos down and went to the counter, searching for a key. I grabbed one, then ran to the door and locked it right when the creature slammed against it.

I stepped back. I turned to look at the Chess Chocos, but everything seemed fuzzy now.. I placed my hand on my head again and felt the blood.

"Hmm.. Well.. This is quite the predicament.."

I felt myself collapse.

(1016 words)

(I wrong this at 3:00 am. Ignore the Grammer errors and ooc actions.)

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