Chapter Five. (Yogurt Cream POV)

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(Bam. Surprise POV
DAY: 2)

I looked out at the sun rising, how could something so pretty be here at a time so cruel.
The world goes to hell and my bodyguard wasn't even with me.
Yeah, that's dEfInItEly his job.
I frowned thinking about it. I wasn't really mad, I just wish things could've turned out differently.
I looked at the bite at my wrist and shook my head, I was overheating and I knew that. The fever that this thing caused definitely was the cause..
AMC The Walking Dead has told me this thing kills- Although that may not be 100% accurate, I'm going to consider it as a trusted resource. I looked out my bedroom window yet again.

If this thing does kill me, I'd rather not die in my room locked up. That's a boring death.

I'm not boring.

I stood up and grabbed a random jewlstone. Good enough, I yeeted it at the window and watched it shatter.

I walked to the window and looked down. I feel like Rapunzel.. Now where is my long hair?
I slowly stepped out the window, and instantly regretted my life choices.

I slid down and fell on a towel that someone had hung out the window to dry.
Where are those spirits when you need them either. I've been completely abandoned. 😒
I crawled down the towel and fell on my face onto the ground. Ouch.

I stood up yet again, hey. Atleast I made it out.

Noww- to find survivors. But hey, if I'm the only one alive I'd be a great main character.

I looked around at the slow corpses walking. Well.. Getting out of Yogurca is probably a good option. Especially since it's summer.. Deserts won't help my fever. .

But I don't see how I'll find anyone I know if I leave, ughh. I'm screwed.

I frowned and thought more

'I was dining with Father and Brother when this started.. I saw Brother go down.. But I never saw what happened to Father. Maybe he's still alive, choices aren't the best right now.'

I looked around yet again.

Someone has to be near, I know it..

Maybe if I left, I'd find a city or something for refuge. Hey, maybe they'd even have a cure.

Alright.. I suppose I'll do that. I'll take the quickest route I know.

I set off towards the path that lead to the Cookie Kingdom. Not the best place, but it'll definitely be handy if there are survivors.


(Anyways like.. Uhm. Let's say 6 hours later. Time is funny.)

I saw the outline of the kingdom, traveling this far on my own with nothing was tiring.

Buildings were on fire, I could see that. Havoc was upon.. But I didn't go this far for nothing.

I ran off towards the kingdom, until I reached the gates. I stepped inside, wow.
Chaos in a nutshell. Those zombies were everywhere.. No one living to be seen. That won't stop me!

I snuck down the sidewalk in a- not stealthy way.
Still no cookies..

I looked at a house on the side, there was a dead cat on with window, with wings?

Poor thing.

I looked at it's name tag..

Who names a cat Constabke Whiskers?

I shrugged and kept walking.

I walked past a warehouse and a hotel, an empty pool too.. Still no sight of anyone.. Perhaps they all evacuated.. Or no one is left.

That would make sense.

I continued strolling the streets.

I felt weaker then ever, this fever really wasn't doing me very well.
I stumbled over onto the ground.

I guess this isn't the cool hero death I expected. Man, I traveled all that way for nothing.
I looked up and saw one of the zombies approaching me. I'm already bitten, might aswell endure the agony of being torn apart once more- That sounds pathetic.
I'm not pathetic.


Nah.. I'm not. I tried my best to stand up, but yeah. It didn't work. My vision was blurring. The zombie was right infront of me when all of a sudden it dropped dead. It's head had been sliced clean off.

I looked up at the blur of color that had just appeared.
The scent told me who it was.

"Took you long enough.."

I rolled my eyes in an annoyed way, not having strength to do anything else.

Lilac ran beside me and crouched over, for what I assume.
He looked at my wrist and just stared at it.

"My liege.. How long have you been bitten?"

I closed my eyes

"Since the beginning.. Hurtslikeabitch."

"... By your change of attitude I assume it's too late.. I can't help but feel that if I had done my job, you would've died in a much less.. Gruesome way."

"Yeah.. A sucky bodyguard you are- no.. You don't suck."

Not that it mattered much anyways. My hearing was going wonky aswell.. But eh.

"Not that- Nevermind.."

Lilac sighed and looked around

"I can't save you now. It's too late.."

It was merely a whisper.

I felt Lilac pick me up, and he said something else.. But I couldn't hear it, all I heard was just a muffled mutter.
My ears were ringing, man. Death is weird.

I looked at Lilac once again, then like. I guess I died, idk.

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