Chapter Ten (Earl Grey POV)

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(Day: 5
Time: Early morning)

I've been looking for someplace save to stay for a while now with Pawn Black and Pawn White. Every place we've been to there were too many zombies for us to handle. I'm surprised the kids managed to survive on their own while I was out.

"Hey look at that cabin over there!"
Said Pawn white

"We should go check it out."
Pawn Black said

We walked over to the cabin, I was being very cautious walking towards it. I looked through the smudged window and it didnt seem like anything was in there from what I could tell.

"You two stay out here while I go see if it's safe."

They didn't say anything as I walked to the door. I opened the door slowly and looked around. I walked inside, it was a small little place. I noticed in the hallway there were 3 doors. I walked down the hall to check all the rooms. There was a bathroom and two bedrooms. The bathroom was quite disgusting and the rooms seemed to be surprising tidy. It seemed safe to me so I went back outside. My heart dropped when I didn't see the kids there. I frantically looked around.

"Pawn Black, Pawn white are you out here?!"

I walked to the back of the cabin, they weren't there. I heard a twig snap behind me and I turned around.

It was Pawn white

I flinched as she shouted at me

"Haha got you!"

"I told her not to do it."
Pawn black walked from behind a tree.

I wasn't sure what to say, there was a part of me that was mad but I knew she's just a kid. I knelt down to her level.

"Haha you got me." I said sarcastically. "You really shouldn't do things like that though, you really scared me. The last thing I want is the two of you getting hurt. Now is not the time to play games, okay?" Pawn white looked at me and grinned "You're just mad you got scared! Hehe!"

I got back up and start walking back to the cabin, there was no point in me trying to have a serious conversation with her.

All of us got inside and as soon as we got in there both Pawn white and Pawn black ran into the rooms to have a look.

"Yuck its gross in here!"
Pawn white

"Why is it so moldy in here."
Pawn black

"Well it is a bathroom that I'm assuming hasn't been used in a while." I said as I walked down the hallway toward them.

They both walked into one of the bedrooms and layed on the bed. I dont blame them, we've been trying to find a place to stay for days now. We went out of the city in hope there will be less zombies. So far we have only encountered two in the woods we've been in. The woods won't be safe for much longer I believe.

"Its starting to get dark. Lets make sure this place is secure enough for us to sleep at."

I walk to all the windows and doors making sure that if any zombie tried to get in, it wouldn't have a good chance of making it.

I heard a whine from outside. I put my hand out to tell Pawn White and Pawn Black to stay. I stepped outside to see what the sound was. It was a cake hound. It barked at me, but I didn't attack. It seemed... playful. A few seconds after a child ran over to the dog. I didnt recognize them.. Another child followed.. I didn't recognize them either. When the second child saw me they had some sort of machinery pointed at me. It looked almost like a gun. I held my hands up.

Eventually the first child told the other to put the weapon down.. I held my hand out, as if they were acquaintances.

"Hello.. I'm Earl Grey."

The first child took my hand eagerly and shook it.

"I'm Custard III! I'm a king!"

The other child spoke then.

"Strawberry Crepe."

I smiled at them.

"It's cold.. you shouldn't be out in the snow. Come inside."

How these children survived? I don't know.. but I won't let it go to waste. I can keep them safe.. besides.. I'm sure the Chess Chocos would appreciate a friend or two.

Strawberry Crepe looked uneasy for a second, but they stepped inside. Custard ran in without hesitation. I picked up the cake hound and carried it inside before I boarded up the door. The Chess Chocos ran up to me.

"Who are they??"

Pawn White spoke

"I don't recognize them."

Pawn Black said.

I sighed.

"They were outside.. they won't survive by themselves.. but in a group we have a better chance. You may also make some friends."

I set the cake hound down and Pawn White gasped before she hugged it.

I smiled. I gathered the kids and I let them introduce themselves..

There were two bedrooms.. I decided to let the kids use them. The bedrooms were probably the most secure.. I let Custard and Strawberry Crepe share a room, and the Chess Chocos could share the other.

"Let's get rest, children.."

I showed them to their rooms.. I tucked in the Chess Chocos, and I offered to so the same with the other two.. Strawberry Crepe declined, but Custard let me tuck him in to bed. I did so.

I said my goodnights before I went to the main room. I laid on the couch and I removed my glasses.. I looked at the cracked lenses.. I needed to fix that. I could barely see without it. Everything was a blur. I wonder where I could get new glasses.. I set my cracked ones aside. They worked well enough temporarily.. but for the future. I shook my head. I needed rest. I curled up on the couch and fell asleep, having nightmares of my still-dirty uniform.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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