Chapter Eight (Roguefort POV)

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(Day 3:

I glanced over the edge of the roof on the building I was sitting at.
It was quite tall, but that just gives it a thrill.
I looked over the edge at the creatures prowling about. If anyone was alive, now would be a good time to find me.

This had started right after I escaped from the young detective's grasp.
The more I think about it, it pains me.
I had gone home and took off my costume as Phantom Bleu, although Walnut discovered my identity as Roguefort, she never told. Perhaps she thought no one would believe her.
Nevertheless, atleast I'm not alone in this.
I turned beside me and slowly brushed my hand over the fur of my companion.

"Lord Crumbles III, you wouldn't leave me. Would you? Yeah.."

Something caught my attention and I looked back over the edge, I saw a person running. A gunshot followed and I saw them fall to the floor, a few creatures walking towards them. I made my way down to the street, staying out of sight to watch what was going on.

"Rye! Why'd you shoot him?"

I heard a male voice.
I didn't recognize the name Rye, but the voice sounded familiar to someone at a party I once went to.

"I told em to stay put. If he goes runnin' then it's his own fault."

A woman had replied, I listened to the heavy breathing of the man who'd been shot. I recognized him aswell, but the blood covering him made it hard to tell.

"I told you, I know Sparkling. He may have killed Herb, but he said it was an accident. We don't have to keep him prisoner."

Sparkling, yes. I've also met him at a party. He serves lovely drinks.

I peeked over the edge of the bench I hid behind.

I saw Sparkling on the ground a few feet away from the two others, he was bleeding, but at the distance I couldn't see where at.
Two other people were talking, one with a long ponytail, and one with short wavy hair.
I recognized one. Mint Choco, and excellent performer I must say.

Mint Choco had walked to Sparkling and lifted him up in an awkward position.

The woman- Rye, rolled her eyes and walked over to help Mint Choco carry Sparkling. I could see now that he was unconscious.

Rye shot at a few zombies which had tried to get close, before she ran off with Mint Choco, supporting Sparkling on the way.

I looked at Lord Crumbles III

"I know what I said about finding others, but they're definitely not the friendliest crowd."

I picked up Lord Crumbles and walked down the sidewalk, in the shadows most of the time. I stopped at the entrance of a warehouse.

I heard a voice from inside. I looked inside through the crack in the window, through the boards. I saw the poofy hair of a girl I knew. I climbed up to the top of the building and saw a ventilation shaft. Easy enough. I made my way through it with Lord Crumbles, until I got out in a storage room.

I slowly entered the room I had seen the young detective in.

I watched her from the distance.

"Constable Whiskers is gone, what do you mean it's alright! Maybe if he had gone yesterday like you'd said, he'd still be alive!"

Lord Crumbles III jumped out of my arms and ran to Walnut.

She yelped and glanced in my direction.
She gasped.



Almond repeated after her.
The older detective didn't know I was the Phantom Bleu, as I'm aware Walnut never told him.

I shrugged and walked out from hiding.

"Hello there.."

Walnut was confused

"How did you get inside?"

"Oh, nothing important. A zombie couldn't get in if that's what you wish to know."

Almond narrowed his eyes.

"You seem familiar."

I smiled and shrugged yet again.

"I couldn't help but hear Walnut's voice from inside.. I've been out alone for so longg-"

"Three days?"

"-And I'd love to stay with you two."

Walnut looked at Almond and whispered something to him

Almond cast me a suspicious glance before replying.

"Alright, then.. But you're staying in the storage room. Not the office,"

"Fair enough to me."

Of course I knew where that was, but I let Almond show me.

I gave him a thumbs up and he stepped out, holding the door handle.

"You should get some rest.. We'll talk more tomorrow."

He closed the door and I heard a click.

Huh, I suppose he isn't very trusting. I shrugged and laid back, feeling my cat curl up beside me.

I smiled and soon fell asleep myself.

(Short chapter ahahah)
800 words)

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