Chapter Three (Mint Choco POV)

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(Lemme Clarify this isn't a ship chapter, it's just 2 people surviving together. Got it?)

I closed my eyes as I played the violin, I had the piece memorized, and on the stage I felt comfortable.

The eyes on me only made me feel more determined to finish the peace, I hummed along to my own music, having my bow slide across the strings with grace.

Playing the violin was the one thing that made me truly happy.
I smiled and continued holding the violin, I kept playing and playing, I could sense the people sitting and listening. I could feel their eyes on me and it was wonderful.
Sharing people such music is my dream, and it makes me happy.

I played and played.. I heard a scream, I wasn't planning to stop so I kept playing. A minor interference was all it was.

I heard yet another scream and opened an eye, not stopping the music.

I froze and stopped played.
I lowered my violin and stared at the crowd of people screaming and shouting, eating one another, fighting.

It was a riot.

I stood there petrified, what was going on?
I couldn't seem to comprehend what was happening and I stood there frozen in shock.

I held my violin close to me in my arms, as I usually did when it was in threat of being taken.

I stepped back from the edge of the crowd, what was going on?

I looked around. This couldn't be like the movies? Could it? Nono. That's bizarre.

I saw something climb onto the stage, the stage was high up. It wasn't my own, it was in an auditorium.

Inside a school gym.

It climbed onto the stage, which was pretty high up, and scrambled to it's legs.

Whatever this thing was, I knew it wasn't human.
The look in it's eyes was cold and dead.
It's skin looked rotted, gray, and decayed.
This was long dead, I don't know how long, or what was going on. Was it the swan's feather? No, couldn't be. All cookies then were revived as living beings.. This thing was dead.

I stepped back, only for it to rush forward and grab me. I screamed as it pulled my violin from me, I later found out it wasn't stealing. Only trying to get closer to me to eat me- Haha. Fun.

The creature grabbed onto my arm and pulled me to it. I hit it with my bow, although horsehair and a stick wasn't very affective. I kept screaming and hitting and I saw it open it's mouth. It was going to bite me, how strange.

I kicked it in the stomach as hard as I could, I was scared. Everything was happening so fast and I was acting on pure adrenaline.

It growled a strange sound and jumped at me, tackling me to the ground and knocking the bow from my hands. The screams had died out by now, everyone had either died or fleed. The only scream I heard was my own, which I knew only attracted more of them. The one on top of me was snapping at my face, I was in tears trying to kick it off. I was going to die here.
I knew that much.

I closed my eyes and kept screaming and hitting.

The creature stopped snapping and collapsed on top of me.

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