Chapter 3

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5:00 pm

I went back to the apartment and sat my bags down. I also bought one pair of tight jeans and one pair of casual pants. I took my shoes off and headed straight to the shower. I wondered what Sage's parents would do if they found out about Sage. Will they just accept him the way he is? And what about me! My parents don't know either. What will happen if I tell them. That's right I have a week to think about the family reunion. Great just great. Maybe I can get Mr. Snider to let me work that day. Yet I haven't seen my parents over two years now. It might be fun at least. It will be nice to my brother too. But he and I don't along. There is a story on that but I will tell you later.

I got out of the bathroom with nothing on but a towel around my waist as I went to the kitchen to make myself some dinner. I went to the fridge. Seeing that I need to shop for food soon I got the eggs and the container with cheese in it. I got pan and made myself an omelet.

6:00 pm

I had one more hour before meeting up with Sage. I went to the living room to get my bags and unwrapped my towel when I was in the bedroom. I looked in the bags and took out the tight jeans and the dress shirt. I put on blue boxers and then my tight jeans. Then I got out a tank top from the dresser and put that on along with my dress shirt. I am a guy that doesn't drink anything with alcohol but beer. I haven't gone to a bar in 2 years. But I'm going to go tonight for Sage. Maybe I should treat him drinks? It might get him closer to me. Wait a minute hold phone! What is happening to me? Why is this guy keep interfering with my mind. And then suddenly it clicked. I wanted him. I wanted to touch him. With treating him with drinks I might get him. He did say he had a crush on me. I smiled. I looked myself over in the closet mirror. Seeing that my appearance was good I went into the bathroom to mess with my hair.

My hair is my passion. I don't like it when I see even one hair out of place. I took out my brush, hair spray and gel. That's right gel. It's a style now. I don't spike it. I flatten it. I brushed my hair first then I spray it then brush my hair again. I did this for 2 minutes. Then I poured some gel in my hands and rubbed it on my hair till it was all flatten down. I looked in the mirror and winked at myself when my hair was just right.

 I don't know what bar it was so I took my GPS out. I looked at my clock I still had time. I went into my room and looked at my day by day calendar. I flipped it. Counting the pages till the reunion. It was 23 days from now. And I have one week to decide. Its either not going or go and tell my parents.

6:45 pm

I was driving now. Rolling my window I felt the warm air hit my face. I listened to the directions on the GPS. It turns out that the bar was only 15 minutes away. I wonder if he lives close by.

 7:15 pm

I arrived at the bar and quickly went in. I saw Sage at the far corner with a guy who I was guessing was his friend. Sage saw me walk over and waved. I waved back. Then Sage said something to his friend and then he turned around to look at me.

 "Hi," I smiled.

"Hey this is my friend Matt."

I turned to Matt, "Hello."

"Hey there and you are?"

 "Oh how rude of me. I'm Braden."

 Matt smirked, "Nice to meet you."  It turns out that Matt had a small accent of some sort? I couldn't tell though.

I looked around before sitting down next to Sage, "So...," I began while looking around, "how are things?"

 Sage looked at me, "OK I guess. Busy at work today."

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