Chapter 5

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Author note: I will do hands on training in 6 months as a vet assistant myself. While I was studying the books this story popped into my head.  So now you know how I got the idea of Less Then Perfect.

August 26th

12 more days till the family reunion. Almost two weeks. Since me and Sage are secretly dating now he decided to come with me as long as I come with him to tell his parents his secret.

We were working side by side in the clinic at 11 am. (As a vet tech like Sage is you can help patients without the vet being there) We were currently taking care of a parrot who's wing was broken. "How did this happen?" Sage asked the owner.

"Well he flew into a bob wire fence."

"Why was he outside?" I said. Parrots are kept indoors when a pet why the hell would it be outside?

"I let him out of the cage and well he flew out of a window."

Sage was annoyed with the owner's answer, "Here Braden hold him," he walks over to the counter and took a book out from the small book shelf nailed to the wall and walked back over, "here?" he dropped the book on the table.

The owner looked at it, "What is this?"

"It's a book sir?"

"I meant why this book?"

"You should read about parrots and how to take care of them. This book explains. Its all about parrots."

"Why do I need to read this?"

"You obviously don't know how to take care of a parrot," to the owner Sage was a nuisance but to me he is such a cutie the way he explains the book, "the wings are suppose to be clipped. If you had done that this wing wouldn't be broken. If you had read about how to take care of a parrot you would have known to clip the wings."

"I did read books about parrots before I bought him."

Sage took over with holding the parrot, "Yes it clearly shows sir," he sarcastically says. He gives the book to owner, "read it. It might help you take better care of your pet."

"Well you're the vet so-"

"I am a vet tech. Not a vet."

"Sorry I meant you're the vet tech so I will follow your advice."

Sage was wrapping the wing with a blue bandage, "I'm glad for that. Now keep him in the cage till his wing gets better then see me in a week."

When the owner left the room Sage washed his hand shaking his head, "Its amazing how owners can be this stupid."

I walked over to him, "You're a amazing vet tech you know that?"

"I try," he put his arms on the table with his head resting on his hand.

I rubbed his shoulders. He became tense when he was dealing with the parrot, "Are you ok?"

"Just got a headache."

One of my hands left his shoulder and started rubbing his skull, "Want to go out for lunch some where? Since we both have the same schedule now and they moved it for an hour?"

"Only if you buy?"

"Yes it will be my treat and instead of using the car we can walk."

We clocked out for lunch and walk on the sidewalk. I looked over at Sage, "So what are you hungry for?"

"Japanese might be nice."

"Well your in luck there is a Japanese buffet two minutes from here."

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