Chapter 6

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2 am

My cell phone rang. I was thinking about punching the guy that was calling me this late hour. I look at the caller ID it was Sage. What?

"Sage? Why are you calling me at 2 in the morning?"

The line was silent.

It's then I realized something was wrong, "Sage?...Are you ok?"

When he spoke it was a tone that made me worried, "Th...ey...know...I...don'"

"Hang on I'm coming over ok."

Sage hangs up. I quickly got dressed and went to my car. Then I realize that I forgot my keys for the car.

While driving to his place I wonder what happened that made Sage this upset? Who made him upset shell pay.

I was about to ring the doorbell when I saw a note on the door. 'it's open just come in. I'm in the bedroom.'

I knock on his bedroom door and I heard a quiet "Enter."

I walk in. Sage was lying on his bed. His head in his pillows. I sigh and walk over, sitting on the edge, "Sage?" silence, "tell me what happened?"

"Th...ey kn...ow," he says into his pillow.

"Who? And what do they know?" I rub his back to calm him.


I gasp. How did they find out? "What did they say? And when did you talk to them?"

"It...wa...s...on...the phone. It isn't good."

"What did they say?"

"They want me tomorrow to get my stuff from their house and not show my face for awhile."

"They kicked you out of their lives?"

Sage nods, crying some more.

'Oh Sage' I stop asking him questions and laid beside him. I stroke his back, "Shhhh I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere for awhile." I didn't know what to do or say. I just laid there and let him cry. It hurts when your parents you love and care about to do this too you. I don't understand how some parents are like that. Judgmental towards their kids. Parents should support you. Love you. Care about you. Keep you safe when you need protection. I told him that it will take time for him to heal. I love him and will never leave his side. He is my guy. My joy. My music to my ears. He is my light to my soul. I wonder when I have the courage to tell him that? Sage is brave, loyal, calm about most things. It hurts me too see him like this. I stroke his soft hair. "try to sleep you have work tomorrow."

" for the night?"

"OK let me just get my clothes off," I sit up taking my shirt off and then my pants. I went under the covers. Sage has his back to me, "Here scoot closer to me?" I whisper. Sage scooted closer to me till his back reaches my body and I wrap both arms around him, "Let me come with tomorrow?"

"Why? It's going to be depressing."

"I want to be there for u and have a talk with your parents."

"They won't be there when I'm there. They said they don't want to see me while getting my stuff. They want me to call them to tell them when I'm going over."

"I still want to be there for you."

He nods and starts crying. I rub Sage's back and whisper a couple words to him.


After work we went over to his parents house. I held Sage's hand and told him to take a deep breath before going in. He nods and exhales. Inside were boxes. They all had Sage's name labeled on them. Poor Sage having to see that the first thing he walks in. I look over at him. He looks like a helpless child. Frozen. Stiff. Tears were behind his eyes. I bet 50 bucks that the minute his parents heard the news they started packing his things. On the phone with them while on the way over here they said to be out of here in an hour because they will be back at that time. I want to wait till they come back but Sage shakes his head and goes over to get one of his boxes, carrying it out the door. I help him by carrying one of the boxes to the car. And then another box. Sage slowly walks to my car as he drops his stuff in the back and trunk. He looks up at the house and I saw him wipe his face. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him. He digs his fingers in my shoulder blade as his head sits on my shoulder. I told him that he can go to my house anytime. Day or night. He says that after his wife died his heart shattered to pieces and  now I came into his life to glue his heart back together. I held him till he faints in my arms. I lift him up he was pretty light and sit him down in my car. I went back inside his parents house to get more boxes to the car.

Author note: I know this only one page long but this is about what happens to Sage after his parents found out some how. They don't know who told them but hopefully Braden and Sage will find out soon.

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