Chapter 7

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I felt like this clinic has a curse these past couple weeks. Most of our patients past away from something. Diseases mostly. We think ourselves to blame. I think that. In our clinic we have warning bottoms when a patient doesn't get enough oxygen or is dying. These days saving patients is a hard thing. They die on the examination table while we give them what they needed. It gets to be to late sometimes and this week it seems to happen alot. First it was a dog named Blue who died on Thursday evening at 6:00 pm. No one didn't sue when this happened to their beloved pets because alot of them were very understanding and told us it wasn't our fault that this happened. I been depressed by it though and a trip to my parents house is what I needed to get away from it. Sage was in the passenger seat looking out the window. After what happened with his parents Sage has taken days off so he could collect himself again like he said he doesn't want personal matters interfere with work and I understood this part of him. Although to our boss he didn't want to tell him actually what happened he just told him that he had to attend to a family emergency.  "You hungry at all?" I asked him.

Looking out the window he shook his head. His parents disowning him hit him hard and I understand that it will take time to heal. I reach my hand over to him, and placed it on his leg. I kept my contraction on the road.

Sage kept quiet and kept looking out the window. 'How to get his spirit back up?' "Want a milk shake?" 

I can see from the corner of my eye that he is looking at me after asking that, "How much longer till we reach your place?"

"Well it's in Colorado so it will take at least 7 hours. We done 3 so far." 

Sage nodded and looks back out the window, "Ah."

I had my hand on his leg for a whole 5 minutes and he seemed to not mind. I'm just comforting him. "So no milk shake?"

Sage shook his head while looking out the window. 

"Sage when was the last time you ate today?"

"None. Last meal I had was last evening."

"OK we are stopping somewhere so you can at least eat something."

"Not hungry."

"Yeah you say thar but I can hear your stomach growling from here. Oh goody there is a burger king."

"I don't like fast food."

'Oh yeah he told me that before didn't he?' 'Denny's?"

Sage shrugs with a sigh.

"I know you are upset love for what your parents did too you. But you need to eat something. It's not heathly to not eat. It makes you have less energy."

"I know that I'm not an idiot..."

"I didn't say you were," I parked my car in the parking lot of Denny's, "come on lets get you fit again?" I turn off the engine. Sage didn't move. I went out from my side and walk over to his and open the door, holding my hand out for him. He just looks at it. "Come on you know you want too you just think your not hungry when in reality you are."

Sage nods and I heard his stomach growl, "Your right I am."

"I will pay for you?"

Sage grabs my hand and gets out from his side. I ungrabbed his hand and I walk beside him. I look over at him from the corner of my eye, 'What can I do to make him smile again?' I look infront of me as we walked to the entrance. I open the door for him and I entered in after him. The waiter asked if there is only two and I nodded. He led us to a table near the window with two red benches. I sat next too Sage knowing he needed me to be close to him. Like I said I'm smart. I look down at my menu, "Maybe for a drink I will have coffee?" seeing that the driving kind of tired me out. I look at Sage who was looking over at his menu, "find anything interesting?"

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