Chapter 9

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We were in our PJs. Tonight was not the night to have sex. We were about to till Sage told me something personal from his past. We were now on our bed. Me holding him in my arms. He is about to tell me in detail what happened. 

Sage looks down at the sheets. 

I kissed him on his forehead, reassuring him. Supporting him.   "Listen you don't have to tell me tonight if you don't want too?" he looks up at me,  "tell me when you ready ok?" I kissed him on the lips. 

Sage pushed me off his lips,  "No I am ok telling it now." I nodded,  listening. He sighs,  "I was a sophomore. There were three guys in my class that decided to bully me. The only things they did for awhile is make fun of me and dunked my head in the toilet,"  he rubs his skull, one eye covered by the palm of his hand,  "I hated highschool." 

I wanted to help him to ease the horrible memories but wishing them to go away is like wishing for gold at the end of a rainbow. Impossible wishing. I looked over at Sage. Stroking around his temple while leaning him close to me. Not sure what to say. Or is it alright to say something at this moment?  

"Bullies can be the worse at times, " he spoke softly. 

I nodded. Understanding,   "Yeah they can be. Did you tell someone?" 

"I told my dad but he said that I need to fight my own battles. "

I gapped at that. 

"Anyways back to sophomore year,"  I held him close,  "the bullying became unbearable for me. But I did not expect what they did next," he let out a breath. I gripped his left hand, "It happened after school. I heard a truck pull up while I was walking home-" 

"It was them huh?" I figured, asking him quietly. 

He nodded,  "I tried running away from them but they eventually caught me, and um..."  Sage clenched his hand in my hand tightly,  he softly continues,  "they tied me up in the back of their truck. Next thing I know they parked in the middle of nowhere.  My pants down to my ankles, and my ass was played with,"  he looks over at his hands,  "first stuck a stick up there,"  I winced at that,  'Ow, "   "that felt really uncomfortable,"  'I bet and again ow,' I thought. Holding him tight in my arms,   "then next... a cucumber and at the end before they dumped me on the sidewalk next to my house they used one of those police sticks." 

I gapped at that knowing what he is referring to. I wanted to beat those guys who did those horrible things to Sage.  "How did they get a hold of one of those police things?" 

Sage looks up at me,  "The leader's father was a police officer." 

"Oh, " that explains that. 

Sage sighs as I held him to my chest. I lay underneath him. Stroking his arm in slow motion,   "Wish I was in high school with you."  Sage looks up at me,  pushing up his glasses to see my clear face,  "they would of been scared of me." 

He snorts, bearing his face in my nightshirt,  "Why do you think they will be scared of you?" 

"Because back then in my highschool I was a bad boy and would of protected you. " His glasses seem to be bothering him.  Even though he needs them to see; at this moment while hiding in my chest he will be alright without them. I gently removed his glasses off.  I want to be gentle for his fragile face might break if I wasn't. 

Setting the glasses aside on my nightstand. Sage had his eyes closed half of his face buried in my shirt.  Breathing silently in my arms. I smiled down at his sweet feature,  "You can sleep if you like to?" 

He told me his teeth needed to be brushed. I got up telling him to wait there. Sage obeyed, groaning from the loss of contact. I decided to take out his electric Braun toothbrush from his bag along with his toothpaste. I squeezed the paste on the brush, setting it underneath the water. 

I sat down on the edge of the bed where Sage lay,   "Babe you asleep?" 

"Hmm? " he mumbles, How cute. 

"Can you open your mouth please?"  Sage opening his blues looks over at me. He noticed me holding his toothbrush. Sage parted his lips slightly from being stunt by my kindness. Knowing what I wanted to do he opened his tired mouth. I slipped his brush between his lips,  turning on the battery. Stroking his hair while brushing his bony structure between his jaws. Sage gripped my wrist tightly his palm. Stroking the inside of my thumb. This made my body give an unbelievable shiver going down my spine. My eyes left him, looking out at the moonlight shining through the white curtain instead. Remembering Sage saying he wants to move away from the city.  'I wonder where he wants to move too?'  I hope not too far away else I will not be ok with him leaving. It sure will be different in the clinic without him. Is it ok for me to quit when I just started working there once he left?  I look over at him as I took his electric brush out of his mouth.  "Sage?" I whispered. He gripped my wrist, letting me know he was still awake but barely. I softly stroked his cheek. So soft. Must be using a really good type of cream,   "I should get something for you to spit in?"  looking in the nightstand cupboard I found some plastic cups in the back. 

"No need, " Sage says quietly. I look at him as I heard him gulp. 

"Did you just swallow?" he opens his eyes, nodding with a small smile on his face,  'Wow he can still have naughty thoughts when he is tired like that, ' I know what his mind is thinking at the moment.  'Damn it Sage!' now I'm a bit hard. Just when I calmed my crotch down from an earlier event.

I set down Sage's toothbrush in the bathroom and got ready for bed. 

With a fresh mouth, a clean and creamed face, and a happy empty bladder I walked over to my babe's sleeping form. Covering with the soft covers that the hotel provided for us. He seemed to be fast asleep.  I softly kissed my babe on his right cheek while turning off the lamp on the nightstand beside him. I walked over to my side of the bed,  going under the covers, and turned off my own lamp. 

Turning my back to him I lay awake in bed. Thoughts resting in my brain. That story Sage told me I did not expect from his mouth. Now I am laying in my bed thinking about it. I am hundred percent pissed off at those bastards who did that to Sage. His poor innocent ass and poor Sage had to feel that pain and humiliation. He was a victim of rape no matter how you put it. Did his parents do anything? He did tell me that he told them what happened. 

I felt two arms suddenly around my waist. Did not expect Sage to still be awake or could it be that he woke up? I gently rested my hand on top of his, squeezing it tightly. I felt his face next to my neck. Planting soft kisses on my skin. Making it tickle. In my ear he whispers something surprising,  "I love you too Braden have for awhile now." 

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