Thirty Minutes Earlier

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Donnie's P.O.V

I yawn and rub my eyes. I can already feel a headache coming on. I cried a lot last night, and I mean A LOT. I haven't cried in years but last night everything- all the emotions and the memories just hit me like a freight train.
Even though I don't want to admit this to myself- I tend to distract myself instead of facing my emotions. I hyper-fixate on something just so I don't have to deal with any of my own problems. If someone else has a problem or needs something? I can always help them, but myself? No, that I can't do.
But last night, when I was working on some simple equations one thing went wrong, and I had a huge break down. I just started sobbing and everything had repressed for so long decided to surface.
And then to top all of that- Mikey was up for whatever reason and he witnessed my breakdown. But...despite the embarrassment I felt, I was glad he was there for me. He always has been.
I sit up and I swing my legs over the side of the bed. I glance at my alarm clock, it is just a little after six. This is about the normal time I wake up, and I usually get dressed right away, but seeing I didn't undress before going to bed I won't have to do that this morning.
I stretch my arms up and my legs out, sleeping in these knee and elbow pads really was not comfortable.
Mikey usually gets up between seven thirty and eight to make breakfasts for everyone. And considering he was up late last night, I don't think he got much sleep.
I should make breakfast today, granted I don't know how to cook like him, but I mean how hard can it be to scramble some eggs? I've figured out how to make cellphone with random crap that I scavenged, I can fry some eggs.
I get up and I walk out my room, closing the door behind me. I think I should probably turn Mikey's alarm off, then he doesn't get woken up early. I can always wake him up later or I can make him some breakfast later too. He deserves to get some extra sleep considering he's been carrying the family and taking care of everyone since we moved. I know I haven't told him, but I really hope he knows that I appreciated everything he does for us. And I know I've been kind of short with him recently, I haven't been in the best mental state. I mean repressing all my emotions has been really mentally draining.
To make it up to him, maybe I'll see if he wants to watch a movie together on that TV we set up later.
I put my hand on his door handle and I sigh quietly.
I wish I would've been more open with him last night- or even better yet, I wish I would've been more open with him a lot sooner. Maybe then this whole thing would have been easier on the both of us. There's so much I've wanted to tell him, or to get off my chest but because I'm a coward I don't want anyone to see how I'm truly feeling.
Anyways, I don't want to burden him with my own feelings, I'm sure he has enough going on.
I slowly push open his door, it was open a crack witch was a little unusual.
Where is he? His bed is empty, the only thing there is a piece of paper.

Hey, whoever finds this, uhm this is Mikey. I don't really know what to say but here it goes.
I'm sorry that I'm leaving you guys, but it's for best. I know you guys will do just fine without me. Raph, please give Leo a big hug for me when he wakes up.
I love you guys.

N-No...this can't be what I think it is.
"Raph!?" I cry out as I slam open Mikey's door and I run down the hallway. "RAPH!" I yell again. Just as I reach the end of the hallway, the bathroom door opens.
"Donnie, what the hell-" I push the note into Raph's hands and I push past him. I go over to the sink and I get my first-aid kit from under it.
"I'm going after him." I say and I attach the first-aid kit to my belt.
"What is this?"
"What do you think it is?!" I accidently snap at Raph I didn't mean too.
"He ran away and left a note?"
"Or, it's a suicide note, Raph." I look Raph in the eyes and I can just see them widen.
"Dudes, what's going on?" Casey asks as he leands against the bathroom doorframe. God, everyday I find a reason to hate him more.
"You stay here," I tell Raph. "If he comes homes call me."
"How do you think you're going to find him, Don. Have you seen where we live?"
That's right- there's woods everywhere. It'll be impossible to find him, and if I do manage to find him it'll be too late.
"I can track him!" I gasp and I pull my T-phone out of my belt. I go tap my screen a few times and then I get Mikey's location. "He's not far," I say and I put my phone back in my belt. I almost drop it because my hands are shaking so badly. Not to mention, my eyes are stinging from holding back tears. And the thoughts that are stirring in the back of my mind are nearly unbearable.
"Please Donnie-"
"I will," I cut Raph off and I dart out the door. I hear Casey say something but I couldn't care any less about him at the moment.
I dart out the front door and I bring my phone back up and I open the map app. Mikey is North, about a mile and a half. If I run fast enough, maybe use the trees to my advantage I will be there in about seven minutes.
I hope I'm not too late-
I enter the woods and I nearly trip on a big rock right away, I manage to catch myself though. This is going to be a nightmare, in the city I never had to worry about hidden rocks or roots.
Mikey, please be okay. For the love of God be okay.
I keep running, being careful where I step, and occasionally looking at the GPS. I am using branches to help me jump over small ditches or rocks in my way. He hasn't moved at all since I've checked it the first time. That's not a good sign.
My head starts spinning with overwhelming thoughts and emotions as I run faster, faster than I've ever ran before.
I'm coming Mikey, just please, please hang on!

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