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Mikey's P.O.V

"Mikey! Oh God, Mikey!" I hear a family voice cry out. Donnie? I force my eyes open and I can see three Donnie's running towards me. My eye lids feel so heavy, I can't keep them open any longer. I close my eyes and I feel my body tip to the side as everything turns black. He wasn't supposed to find me.

Donnie's P.O.V

"Mikey!" I scream out as he falls onto his side. This is bad, it's really bad. Oh God. Mikey, no. I lay him on his back and I open the first-aid kit. I pull out a little white dish towel that I had stored in there a while ago. I straighten Mikey and I lay him on his back.
"Please stay with me Mikey, I need you!" I sob as I wrap the towel around his ankle.
I out two fingers on his neck under his chin so I can feel his pulse. It's getting weaker, and it's getting weak fast.
I have to do something.
I take off my mask and I tie it tightly around his leg to cut off circulation. That way it won't bleed as fast.
He's lost too much blood already.
"I'm so sorry Mikey, I should've been there for you." I cry softly and put pressure on the towel. I can feel my hands getting slightly damp and warm as the towel soaks up blood. I need to close the wound right now.
But it's not like I have material for stitches just lying around.
I do have a steel pocket knife in here though, and a canister of water.
I quickly gather a pile of dead pine-needles, twigs, and grass, I get well rounded, dry rocks and I start hitting them together to try to make a spark.
If I can make a fire, I can heat the blade of the knife and then I can use that to seal the wound shut. First I'll have to clean the knife and the wound with some of the water to make sure it doesn't get infected.
I managed to make a spark and it landed on the little nest I had made. I lean down and I blow on the spark softly. It immediately starts to spread and the fire starts to grow.
I get the canister and I use it to pour some water on a cotton ball. I use the wet cotton ball to clean the knife. Once it's clean I hold it over the fire, with my other hand I hold down Mikey's leg. This is a big cut, and I only have a small knife. I'm going to have to do this at least twice. And oh man, this is going to hurt.
I unwrap the towel from Mikey's leg and I leave it on the ground under his ankle, that way the area can stay a little bit clean. I use the edge of the towel to wipe some blood away from the wound. It's hard to be clean when you're in the middle of the woods.
I can feel the handle of the knife starting to get hot now, the blade is definitely hot enough.
"I'm so sorry, Mikey." I hold down his leg and I put the hot blade over his cut. It makes a loud sizzling noise that make my ears want to vomit, not to mention the smell is horrendous.
After a few seconds I pull the knife off of his leg and I hold it back over the fire.
There's a large burn on his leg now, but at least the bleeding stopped in that area. The top half of the cut is still bleeding, and I think it's bleeding worse.
I do the same thing and I use the towel to wipe away some of the blood. After a few more seconds I put the blade over the other half on his wound.
I can feel Mikey's body twitching, but he's not waking up. That's really bad, the body's natural reaction to immense pain like this would be to get away from it. But if he's not waking up to try and fight the pain away, he must be deep in his unconscious state.
I pull the knife off of him and I close the blade. I use some water and I put out the fire. I use a little put of water to put onto a clean cotton ball and I clean up around burn wound. I untie my mask from around his leg and I tie it back onto my head. Then I take the water and I crawl through the dirt and I lay Mikey's head on my lap. I put my fingers on his neck again to feel his pulse. It's weak, but it's there.
"Mikey," my voice shakes and I tear drips from my chin onto his forehead. I sniffle and I try to blink away the tears that have blurred my vision.
I hold the canister up to Mikey's lips and I tilt his head upwards. I put a little bit of water into his mouth and then I tip his chin back. He needs to get some water in him. But now what I think he needs is rest.
I pull my T-phone out of my pocket and I dial Raphs number.
"Did you find him?" Raph answers after the first ring.
"Yeah, I did," I clear my throat so it doesn't sound like I've been crying for the past twenty minutes. "He's in bad condition, Raph." And just like that my voice cracks and my tears escape my eyes.
Raph goes silent for a long time before he says anything. "Will he be okay?" He manages to say, I can tell he's crying too, or on the verge of tears.
"I...I don't know. His pulse is weak but it's steady now. I...closed...the cut he had made and stopped the bleeding. N-now he's just resting."
"Keep me updated, would you?" Raph says and his voice cracks.
"Yeah," I whisper then I hear the line go static. He hung up.
I put some more water in Mikey's mouth and I tip his chin back.
Right now so many things are going through my head, so many regrets. There's so many things I want to tell Mikey and now I may never get the chance to tell him any of it.
I told Raph that if he talked to Leo, he may hear it and it may stimulate his brain. Maybe if I spoke to Mikey it will help make him conscious again. But what am I supposed to say to him?
Another set of tears drip off of my chin and on to his forehead.
I let his head rest on my lap and I hold his head in my hands. I cress his cheeks with my thumbs. I know what I want to say to him.
"You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine," I sing softly as I continue to rub my thumbs over Mikey's cheeks. Once I had accidnelry walked in on Splinter, and he was singing this song as he was holding a picture of him, his wife, and his daughter. "You make my happy, when skies are grey." My voice quivers as silent tears run down my face. "You'll never know Dear, how much I love you." I accidently let out a small sob at the thought of not being able to tell Mikey just how much I truly love him. "P-please don't take my sunshine away."
"The other night, Dear, while I lay sleeping I dreamt I held you in my arms." I put two of my fingers under his neck again to feel his pulse. It's stronger. "When I awoke, Dear, I was mistaken." I slide my hand down onto Mikey's arm and I fold his limp arm upwards. I reach for his hand and I hold his hand in mine. "So I hung my head and cried." I squeeze Mikey's hand and I take a deep breath so I don't cry.

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