Chapter Five

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Ryder and the pups were in the waiting room, waiting for any news on Skye's condition. They waited for about ten minutes when they saw Katie walk out of the room. When Ryder saw Katie walking over, he immediately stood up. "How's Skye?" he asked. Chase and the other pups circled to hear as well.

"She's fine," Katie said in a nervous tone.

"Are you hiding something?" Ryder asked.

"Well, as I said, Skye is doing fine. She's doing too fine."

"What do you mean?" Chase asked.

"You said that she was struck by lightning twice, right?" Katie asked.

"Yeah," Chase assured.

"Well, she doesn't show any symptoms at all, except for being unconscious. Her vitals are fine, and she has no bruises, no burns, broken bones, nothing. The only thing is a slightly sprained paw, most likely from the helicopter crash.

"So, what you're saying is," Ryder summed up, "there is no way to tell that she got struck by lightning."

"Not on her body, no," Katie replied. "But her uniform shows otherwise. Skye's uniform is singed and burned right through the middle."

"How is that possible?" Marshall asked.

"I don't know, but Skye is incredibly fortunate," Katie replied. Katie looked through the open door of the room and noticed that Skye was beginning to move. "She's waking up."

Skye opened her eyes. She looked around the room. Skye noticed that there was no one else in the room at the moment. Skye tried to remember why she was in the clinic, but her mind came up blank. She moved her right paw, but it hurt to move. It felt sprained. 

Skye heard footsteps, so she turned to the door. Ryder and the others spilled into the room. Ryder ran over to the bed and hugged the cockapoo. When he let go, he had a tear running down his cheek. "I'm so glad you're okay," he said.

One by the one, the other pups hugged Skye. Chase was the last one to hug her. When he let go, he took a step back. Are you sure you're okay? Chase mouthed. Skye nodded, with a smile pulling at her mouth.

Katie stepped forward. "Hey, Skye, how do you feel?" she asked.

That was the first time Skye realized her condition. She moved her paws, but they felt fine. Even the one that hurt a minute ago did not cause her any pain. She sat up, and to her surprise, she felt no headache or pain. "I'm surprisingly fine," she replied. "Why?"

"Do you remember what happened? Do you remember why you're here?" Katie asked.

Skye thought about it. All she could remember was Chase telling her to be careful while flying through the storm. After that, her memory was blank. She shook her head slowly.

Katie squinted as if she expected that. "You were struck by lightning, Skye," she explained. "You were unconscious when Chase brought you in. I checked you, but you had no visible injuries. You had no scars, no bruises, burns, singed hair, nothing. The only thing that showed that you got struck was your uniform." Katie showed Skye her uniform.

Skye held the uniform in her paws. She put her arm through the hole in the pink fabric. Skye closed her eyes and leaned her head onto the pillow. She felt relieved to know that she had no injuries. All tension that she had inside got released out of her. But as the stress escaped, a pink lightning bolt shot out of her chest and surrounded her.

"Woah," some of the pups went.

Skye opened her eyes. "What?" she asked.

"Dude, a lightning bolt just surrounded you," Zuma replied.

"What do you mean?" Skye asked.

"A pink lightning bolt escaped your chest and surrounded your entire body," Rocky explained.

"Yeah, we all saw it," Ryder commented.

"Ryder, do you think that the lightning bolt gave Skye powers?" Zuma asked.

Ryder rubbed his chin. "I'm not sure, but we can't jump to conclusions just yet. Right now, all we know is that Skye is not hurt and that she's safe."

"Yeah," Skye agreed. "So, can we go home now?" Skye pulled the sheets off and jumped off the bed.

When Skye touched the ground, some small lightning bolts appeared where her paws touched the ground and scattered in every direction. One lightning bolt touched Chase's paw, which gave him a weird feeling. He lifted his paw until the bolt was gone and hesitantly put it back down.

"Alright, time to go back," Ryder said. "Thank you, Katie, for your help."

"That's what I'm here for," Katie responded. She held out a clipboard and a pen out in front of Ryder. "Before you go, can you fill in the release form?"

"Oh, yeah," Ryder said. He forgot about it. When he finished, he said goodbye to Katie, and he followed the pups out of the clinic.

Skye looked up at the pink storm clouds. The clouds have now moved over Jake's mountain. It seemed pretty fast to Skye, but she didn't pay much attention to them. A lightning bolt hit the peak, but it was white. Skye was confused by this. "What color did you say the lightning bolts were?" Skye asked Chase.

"Um, pink," Chase replied. "Why?"

"No reason," Skye said. She looked out at the beach. She noticed some steam coming out of the water and then realized what it was. "My helicopter's still in the water," Skye said.

Ryder faced the direction that Skye was facing and realized that she was right. "I forgot about that," he admitted. "Rubble, use your crane to haul it back to the Lookout.

"Rubble on the double," Rubble exclaimed. He jumped into his bulldozer and drove off to the beach.

All the others except Skye got into their vehicles. Skye looked around. "Um, how do I get back?"

"Well, we can't have you walking, right?" Chase asked rhetorically. He pressed a button in his dashboard, and the cones in the back of his cruiser retracted into the vehicle, an extra seat replacing its place. "All aboard."

Skye jumped in, and her seatbelt flew on. Once she was on, Ryder led the Paw Patrol to the Lookout.

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