chapter 7 ✧ traces ✧

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[Last night]

Tonight was a good chance for Jaemin to get out and explore some night life. Little did he know, he was being set up on a blind date by friends.

After arriving at a bar in Nagwon-dong, Jaemin grabbed a beer from inside before meeting his friends on the back patio. He was greeted with a warm welcome before the complaints poured in. "You never hang out with us," "You leave quickly after classes..."

Interesting enough, he heard the opposite from Jungwoo all the time.
"You never invite your friends never do anything fun..." his cousin secretly wanted to live the college life through him.

"Sorry, i'll try to hang with you guys more," Jaemin lied while finding a seat in the corner.

The air was warm and crisp tonight. But there on the patio, it was polluted. Although Jaemin was accustomed to secondhand smoke due to his ex's bad habit, he still hated the bitter smell. Thinking back on it, smoking was his ex's only flaw. He was perfect otherwise. So perfect that it burdened him.


Jaemin suddenly remembered why he enjoyed staying in. This was his friends' third attempt to set him up with someone this year and it was only Autumn.  "Sorry," his friend pleaded while blocking him from the exit, "Please stay, he's coming in from the countryside..."

Truthfully, it wouldn't matter if the boy was flying in from outer space, Jaemin wasn't interested in meeting anyone new. He was apathetic to romance so couldn't attach to any of the previous dates. Nevertheless, he sat back down. He was his cousin's ride after-all.

The blind date joined the crowd an hour later but Jaemin was so focused on something else, he hadn't noticed. 

Just the simple flow of a warm breeze can make someone nostalgic. And the night sky made him relive his high school days. He remembered watching the sunset after basketball practice with him. And walking home late at night. And receiving those little blue notes every start of the week.

Even if there was no shooting star, he still made a wish and searched the nebulous sky wondering if there were any wishes for him.

He didn't look down until he felt a persistent urge to; a burning sensation and tingling in his throat as if he was being watched by a force so strong he had to answer its call.  As his head slowly leveled to the space around him, he immediately locked eyes with his blind date and his heart stopped. He felt his feet sinking into quicksand and a black hole forming around him. The person in front of him was none other than the boy from his daydream.

But in the blink of an eye he was gone.

In their fantasy world they always knew the other's location. But as he chased after Jisung, he lost his trail on those busy district streets. Because he left that world, he was stuck in reality until he could find Piglet again. 

He regained his breath and confided in the starry sky once more. Now the stars were even brighter and glazed over the twilit horizon.

Please let me see you again and when that time comes, don't run away.

i've been thinking about the day it ended

after all this time you came to mind

i was young and stupid

I ruined it all

[traces — jukjae]

{To be continued in Little Piglet POV Jaemin x Jisung}

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