Are We Finna Kiss?? Bro...BROOO

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Aether woke up with an awful ache in his stomach.

He quickly sat up and made a dash for the bathroom.

Once he made it to his destination, he puked his guts out, groaning in response.

Saying that he felt awful was an understatement.

Right now, he was in Xiao's private room in Wangshu Inn, since Xiao was the one to find him.

Last night, he ate something that didn't agree with him and caused a severe allergic reaction.

He remembers Paimon begging for Xiao to come help him before his vision went black.

The Yaksha wasn't anywhere in sight when he awoke though.

'Maybe hes out hunting demons...'

The thought was pushed to the back of his mind as he felt Xiao's presence beyond the door to the bathroom he was in.

He got up, making sure to wash his face a little before he walked out the bathroom to see Xiao sitting on the bed with a slouched position.

Noticing Aether was out the bathroom, he looked up to meet his expression.

He got up and rushed to him, immediately wrapped his arm around him.


"I'm so glad you're ok-!"

Aether hesitantly hugged back as he knew the Yaksha wasn't one for intimate touching with others, but he was hugging him, right? So it should be alright.

Hugging the Yaksha around his waist in a tender manner, he let himself sink into him.

"Of course I'm ok. It was just a small allergic reaction."

That made Xiao pull away to look him square in the eyes with a sternness hidden behind them.

"A reaction that could've cause you to DIE! I...I can't loose you Aether...I-i..."

"love you..."

Though the words never left his mouth in fear of rejection.

He hugged him closely again, to which Aether said, "not to tight...I'm still a little out of it..."

A few seconds pass before Aether spoke up.

"I'm sorry I scared you. I didn't mean too."

He pulled away from the hug and stared at Xiao.

He couldn't help but think about how Xiao's eyes held such a gorgeous shade of gold, almost matching his own.

The only difference was the cute little slit he had for a pupil that Aether absolutely loved.

Before he could really process what he was doing, his body acted before his brain could.

He leant forward and gently pressed his lips against the other male's.

The Yaksha didn't know how to react.

The light touch of Aether's soft lips on his sent a shock wave of electricity through his body.

Once he realized when he did, he yanked himself away so hard that he fell backwards, tripping over his own foot.

He began stumbling over his words in a desperate apology.

"I-I'm sorry. Oh my archons-I am so so so so so sorry!! I-I didn't mean to do th—"

"I didn't mind.", the words escaped him before he had the moment to think about them, causing him to flush more than he already was.

Aether, who was looking down is shame and trying to hide his face, whipped it up at Xiao's response.


  "I...uh, I said I didn't mind," he said once again as he tried to stand up straight before reaching down to hold a hand out for the blonde.

  Aether took it and let the Yaksha pull him back up to his feet effortlessly.

  "You don't mind...?"

  Xiao shook his head gently and leant in to kiss the blonde once again, to show him he meant it.

  Aether flushed and quite literally jumped into Xiao's arms.

  "Oh my god! I was so scared that you'd kill me for that! I couldn't control myself, you looked so cute!"

  Xiao was taken aback for a few moments before he hugged Aether around the waist and buried his face into the others neck.

  "I love you, Traveller."

  Aether pulled away and moved his palms to cup Xiao's cheeks as Xiao kept his hands on Aether's hips.

  "I have a name...use it."

  Xiao grinned a little, something that made Aether warm knowing he can cause him to do that.

  "I love you, Aether."

  "I love you to, Xiao."

  He leant in and kissed the man once again, taking more action into the kiss, sighing in bliss.

HEY EVERYONE!! i am so sorry this is hurt but I haven't been in the best mental state. I'm going to keep writing this bc i really enjoy it, keeps me doing something lol. This chapter was requested by: @Zhinglisjuicyshlong

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