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chapter status: edited


I knew that Calum once had feelings for Em, but I didn't know he still had them. What infuriated me more was that they had a sort of friends with benefits thing and he was basically using her.

"Luke, you seem to be popping in at all sorts of times, haven't you?" Calum's words cut deeper than knives, and my fist we so tightly clenched my hands were turning a different shade of white.

"Have you set out to ruin my life, Hood?" I whispered, trying to hold back every urge to punch him.

Caroline was ready for anything coming, holding on to Michael's hand as she intently watched us.

"Oh, Emma! What was it like to find out your boyfriend is a trannie? I'm sure that was-" Calum was not able to complete his sentence due to me slamming him against the wall.

"Shut," Punch,"the," Punch,"fuck," Slap, "up." Punch to Calum's stomach.

And Calum took it all, until Emma pulled me off of him, Caroline rushing towards Calum.

Calum quickly stood up, punching me right in the face.

"Stop it!" Caroline wailed out pushing Calum down into the chair she had previous been sitting in.

Emma looked at me, before quickly pushing me out of the room.


I sat in front of Luke, dabbing the cut on his lip with a washcloth.

"You shouldn't of jumped at him." I sighed, wetting the cloth in the sink.

"Emma, he loves you..." Luke growled, clenching his fist on the counter. I nodded, handing Luke an ice pack. He placed it under his eye lightly, wincing at the fragile touch.

We were currently sitting in the hospital kitchen, as Caroline attended to Calum's wounds in the bathroom closest to Michael's room.

"Emma?" Luke whispered, and it sounded more like a question, as I looked up at him. "Would you ever leave me for him, because he's not, y'know, what I am?"

I was baffled. Why would he think such a thing? I had never seen Luke in such a vulnerable state, so insecure and fragile.

"Luke, you're not any less of a man than him. I wouldn't leave you for him if we were the last two human beings on the Earth and we had to repopulate the planet." The last part came out as a laugh, but it was true. Luke laughed, too, as I dabbed at a cut on his cheek, the one that Calum's ring scratched on his face.

"No, Caroline! I don't want to go!" Calum's voice called from around the corner.

"You're going Calum! Whether you like it or not!" Caroline whispered quite loudly, Calum stumbling out from the corner, mainly because Caroline pushed him.

Calum just stood there, staring at Luke. It wasn't a death stare, it wasn't even a negative stare. They just, stared.

"Hey." Luke nodded towards Calum.

"Look, dude, I'm sorry for all of," Calum gestured his hands towards Luke's face ", that."

"I-" Luke was about to start, before Calum stuck up his hand.

"I deserved every second of pain you gave me. Everything you feel towards me, I deserve it all. If you wanted to punch me again right now, I would let you." Calum sounded so weak in this moment. He sounded like all he wanted was forgiveness.

Luke just stared at him, before sighing and hopping off the counter.

"Well, I know I can't control your feelings, but I think it's best if you figure out how to. I don't hate you or anything, but I'm having trouble adjusting to everything that's happening." Luke stared at the ground as he spoke, and I knew he was upset because he was usually confident when he spoke.

"So, are we all good?" Caroline spoke up, and Calum chuckled, looking at Luke.

"I don't know, man, are we?" Luke looked up from the ground and nodded, Calum smiling at him.


After Calum and Luke's fight, we all made our way back up to the boy's room. Michael smiled as soon as he saw me, and I quickly laid down next to them.

Ashton was getting examined by the quite attractive nurse, who seemed to fancy him as well. Luke took a seat next to Ashton's bed, and Emma took a seat on his lap, while Calum sat down next to Michael's bed.

"How did everything go?" Michael asked me, kissing the top of my head, which made butterflies dance around in my stomach. It was weird for someone to treat me with such love and we weren't even dating.

"Everything went well, and I luckily tended to Calum's wounds quick enough for them to heal. He might just have a bruise on his cheek, but that's about it." I smiled up at Michael, who's eyes quickly flickered to my lips.

"Caroline, I have to tell you something." Michael whispered, and I placed my hand on his cheek, encouraging him to speak more.

"God, I love you. I love you so fucking much." Michael chuckled, and the biggest smile crept it's way on my face.

"I love you, too, Michael. So, so much." I replied, and right when I was about to kiss him, a woman bursted through the door.

"Hello, my name's Megan. I'm a certified nurse and I've been informed that you guys happened to be 5 Seconds of Summer, correct?" The girl looked at us, and the boys nodded.

"Yes, well, there is currently a mob of teenage girls outside of the hospital and there is a great danger of them breaking in."Luke and Calum quickly looked at each other before Emma hopped off of  Luke's lap and they both ran towards the nurse.

"We're going to need two bullhorns, ASAP." Calum told the nurse, and she nodded.




I hope this isn't too short, love you all !

- mikaela

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