Hunting Season

27 8 26

10 years ago

Age 8

I pushed my doll aside as I climbed up on my dresser and pressed my ear close to the air vent, standing on a stack of books. My eyes wandered about as I heard my parents arguing in the other room.

Margret: You can't be serious, you can't just put that on her.

Julius: Look, I don't want to be stuck here the rest of my life, when I envisioned happiness this wasn't it!

Margret: So what we're just gonna leave? Drop everything and live the life you've always wanted because your home is such a weight on you? Do you hear yourself right now?

Julius: Look, I'm not saying that, I'm just saying I want something new. Maybe a different environment, something I don't know.

I gasped and clutched onto the vent as my foot slipped and the books fell, causing a huge thump as it connected on the floor. I quickly climbed down as the other room grew silent and hid under my bed.

I heard a knock then the squeak of the door opening as footsteps started walking toward me. I clutched my doll as the figure paused in front of the bed and knelt down, exposing my mother's figure.

Margret: You know it's not polite to eavesdrop.

Harlow: But how will I know what I don't?

Margret: ...Well, I can't compete with that.

She said as she leaned back and took a seat on the floor. I slowly crawled out and rested my head on her shoulder, glancing at her as she stared off lost in thought.

Hallow: What's going on? Why were you and Daddy arguing?

Margret: It's nothing sweetheart, your father and I just had a small disagreement that's all.

Hallow: Was it my fault?

Margret: No honey it's not it's ok, there's nothing to worry about.

I clung to her as she wrapped her arms around me, kissing my forehead and rubbing my shoulder. As she assured me I could hear the sadness in her voice and it almost felt as though the person she was trying to convince was herself.

I screamed as I heard a loud explosion and screamed as I felt the vibration go through my room, causing everything to fall from the shelves. I held onto my mother as she got up and ran out of the room. I looked around as I saw cracks begin to appear on the walls and shrieked as the chandelier fell behind us, missing us by a few inches.

Margret: Come on we have to get out of here before this whole place collapses on us.

Harlow: What about Dad? We can't leave without him.

Margret: Ok, I'll check you go outside!

Harlow: No, I'm not leaving you in here alone!

I pulled away from her and ran down the hall until I turned the corner. I fell to my knees as the ground below me shook but quickly got back up as I heard her yelling my name. I pushed open the huge door and felt paralyzed as I stared at my father's body trapped under his desk.

Harlow: Dad!

Julius: Harlow?!

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