Hunting Season

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Man: He went through the same situation but was not as lucky. He didn't get out in time and sustained major injuries.

Taylor: No! Roy! I swear to God I'm gonna kill all of you if he's dead!

As she broke down in my arms, I could feel her trembling as her pain could be heard through her voice. I held her tightly as the pain of losing my parents hit me all over again.

Man: You will be given more information at the end, but for now it's time for your next test.

Taylor: No, I'm not doing your stupid test anymore, I'm done playing around. You need to give me my brother right now or I swear.

Man: I hope you know we do not take threats lightly. Your brother will be taken care of and if need be, he will be put in the ground but let me assure you, this is not a game!

Static filled the room and then there was silence.

Harlow: Do you hear that?

Taylor: Hear what?

Harlow: Over there

I said as I pointed to the roof as I looked at the pipe that was connected to the ceiling and ran along the wall. I jumped as I felt something cold land on my face and touched it to see wet liquid on my hand.

Harlow: Oh shit, Taylor get to the other side of the room now!

As I instructed her a huge gush of water flowed down from the pipe. I looked around the room for anything that I could climb but everything was connected to the wall. My feet slushed around the water as I started to panic.

Harlow: Look for anything that seems out of place, anything that moves

Taylor: I already tried, everything is bolted down

Harlow: Taylor if we don't get out of here we'll drown. There has to be something

Taylor: I'm trying, the water's rising too fast it's almost at my throat, Harlow I can't die in here, I haven't even lived

Harlow: I know, we're gonna get through this ok? You gotta survive

Taylor: I'm not ready to die, not yet

We struggled over to the side of the room as our feet started to float in the water. I gripped onto the wall and grabbed the door handle and pulled with all my might, tugging as I let out bubbles of air. I swam back to her as the room became completely filled with water before looking at the mirror and realizing it was the only thing out of place.

Grabbing on the ledge under the mirror, I drove my hand into the glass, going as blood started to float around my hand. I felt myself being tugged and turned to see Taylor behind me signaling that she couldn't take it anymore. I drove my hand into the mirror until a crack appeared and gave it a couple more tries until the glass finally broke down.

I gasped as I sucked in the air and looked at Taylor as her unmoving body lay on the floor. I shook her and begged her to wake up and held my mouth as I got no response. The sound of an open door made me look up and I saw men standing by the door.

Harlow: Please you have to-

Before I could finish, one of them pulled out a gun and shot a trank in my neck, causing me to collapse as everything faded black.

Hunting SeasonWhere stories live. Discover now