Hunting Season

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Roy: Look, we'll find a better way just calm down.

I looked at him before turning as I heard the sound of a door opening and then the shadow of someone appeared behind the tinted glass

Harlow: Who are you?! What do you want?

 I shouted at the top of my lungs

Man: I'm the one who ordered them to bring you here, isn't it obvious

As they spoke, I could hear that they had some sort of voice changer on, completely hiding their identity.

Harlow: But why? Wasn't killing my mother enough for you?

Man: I'm not gonna kill you, I'm gonna train you

Harlow: What? Why the hell would you do that? And what makes you think I'm gonna agree to it?

Man: Because you have no choice

As he said that he raised his hand and clicked a bottom. I turned around and saw misty smoke begin to fill the room from the ceiling and started to choke from the toxic gas. I saw Roy and Taylor collapse to the floor as I pounded on the door one last time before going down.


I sprung up and sucked in air as I looked around the room. It was white everywhere with a small table containing a screwdriver and a glass of water. I looked to the ceiling to see two cameras positioned on either side of the room and realized there was no door.

Man: Ah, your awake, training can begin.

Harlow: Please tell me why you're doing this to me

Man: As you must have realized there is no door to the room you are in. If you look to the left you will see a clock, that's the timer for the room. You have 15 minutes to get out of there before the room explodes, good luck.

Harlow: What? That's all I get?

The voice turned to static and the timer on the clock started. I looked around the room and smiled as I saw the vent. I placed the glass of water on the ground and dragged the table over, grabbing the screwdriver and reaching my hand to the vent. Small screws dropped on the floor as I struggled to keep my balance until I was holding the cover in my hand.

 I threw it down on the ground and reached my hand into the vent, only to be blocked. Jumping down, I stepped back and stared at the filled-in vent, covered with the words "Did you really think it would be that easy?" I ran my hand through my hair as I glanced at the clock and realized I had lost 5 minutes.

 I turned and brushed my hand everywhere until I came to my bed. I peeped through the small hole and saw an open space behind it. With the little strength I had, I pushed the bed aside and crawled on my knees through the open space.

 I followed the little maze as it turned corners and cursed under my breath as I came to a dead end.

"Oops, try again."

I crawled back out and stared at the clock as it said 5:09. I collapsed to the floor as I stared at the camera and hit my hand against the wall.

Hunting SeasonWhere stories live. Discover now