Hunting Season

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I took a deep breath as I looked at my small bag of clothes. I patted my pocket to make sure my money was still there and turned back to the orphanage gates. I waved at my friends before walking down the steps and turning the corner, taking a seat at the bus stop.

I sat there for a while before the bus finally pulled up and I got on, making sure to pay the fine before taking a seat. The wind blew through my hair as I looked up at the light blue sky as the sun peaked through the white clouds.

My feet landed on the dirt as I walked down the path and came to a familiar tent. I smiled as I saw people gathering around a fire and chatting to themselves. My eyes wandered the crowded area as I looked for our spot. My breath held as I saw the small area where my mother and I lived and held back tears as I placed flowers in her honor.

Woman: You new around here?

I turned to see an elderly lady taking a seat on the floor as she exclaimed from tiredness.

Harlow: No, uh I used to live here, just missed it 

Woman: You must've been docked out on crack to miss a place like this.

Harlow: No, um this is where my mom died.

Woman: Oh, I'm sorry for your loss

Harlow: It's ok, by any chance do you know the man that lived here? He was old, had a sorta messy beard, and had a Texas accent.

Woman; Oh, you mean Earl? I'm sorry to tell you but he died a couple of years ago, he means anything to you?

Harlow: He shared his lunch with me...was the last lunch my mom ever had actually. I never got to properly thank him.

Woman: Well I'm sure he knew you were thankful. Too bad those lowlives got to him.

Harlow: What do you mean? Lowlives as in the lurkers?

Woman: If you know their name, you should know not to speak it so loud.

Harlow: Why I thought they only came at night and robbed you guys

Woman: Yh they did for a while but a couple of years back, one of them killed someone who had a kid. They tried to get Earl to fess up about where the kid went but he kept his mouth shut. They got him good, messed up his health and he died.

Ever since then they've become more ruthless, they go after people who speak about them to make examples for others. People around here started selling out each other in return they's be left alone.

Harlow: He died because of me?

Woman: What? Why'd you say that?

Harlow: Because I'm that little girl! Those sons of bitches were the ones who killed my mom!

I exclaimed as she looked at me with a shocked face. I thanked her and gave her some money before taking off.

Secret Pov

That night

Lurker: You got something for me old lady?

Woman: Yes, yes earlier today, a younger girl came around here asking about Earl, and the woman who lived here, said she was the woman's daughter...

Hunting SeasonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ