Hunting Season

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I bit down into the apple as specks of rain hit the window. I felt something tugging at my arm and turned to see Taylor along with her brother with trays in their hands. I smiled at them as the empty table was soon filled with chatter.

I met Taylor a couple of weeks after I came in and found out she'd been here since she was a baby along with her twin brother Roy. Ever since then she's looked out for me and we had become really close friends.

Taylor: Hey, are you ok? I know today is a tough day for you.

Harlow: No I'm ok, really I am.

Taylor: Ok, I'm trusting you.

Roy: Wait did you get an apple? I swear you are Betty's favorite

I chuckled as he covered his face and fake cried, peaking through the spaces of his fingers to see my expression. I took a huge bite of mashed potato and smiled as Taylor flicked him on the head.

Harlow: So are you guys excited? We're finally all old enough to leave this place.

Taylor: I don't know yet, I mean how are we gonna do out there in the world?

Harlow: I don't know but I have a pretty clear vision of what I want to do.

Taylor: And what's that

Harlow: Well first I'm gonna get a gravestone for my parents so their souls can rest in peace and then I'll figure out the rest.

I loved my friends but there was no way I could tell them I was going after my mother's killer. Even though all I knew about them was their tattoo, there was nothing that was gonna hold me back. 

Taylor: Aww that's so sweet, too bad we don't know our parents

Harlow: Maybe it's better that way, I mean having memories of loving someone is worse than being able to paint whatever picture you want of them.

I said as I placed the apple on Roy's tray

Taylor: True, for all we know we were lucky they gave us up.

Betty: Alright ladies enough chitchat, time for bed.

Harlow: Ugh, I can't wait to get out of here so my bedtime isn't stuck on 8 p.m

Taylor: You're telling me?

She asked as she rolled her eyes and placed her tray in the pile. I took the vitamins they gave out and gulped them down with a small cup of water. Everyone walked down the hall until we came to a dark corner and then to our rooms. My bed creaked under my weight as I jumped in and turned to Taylor.

Harlow: Do you really not regret not knowing your parents?

Taylor: I don't really know. Sometimes I like to think that they had no choice but to give us up and fought with everything they had to keep us, but then I think that they gave us up because they didn't want to deal with us.

But I don't hate them, if they didn't I wouldn't be who I am today and we would never have met.

I smiled at her before turning on my back and staring at the dark ceiling as the light went out.

Harlow:Me too

Hunting SeasonWhere stories live. Discover now