Hunting Season

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I panted as I strained my eyes to see through the thick dark fabric of the bag over my head. I moved my head to every sound around me as I felt myself being dragged and then thrown on the hard floor. My hand tugged as the zip tie was cut from my hand and the bag was removed.

Harlow: What's going on? Who are you people?

Lurker: It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is that we heard you were saying that you were that little girl whose mother got killed.

Harlow: So you just kidnap someone because you heard something? You have no proof that was me!

Lurker: Really cause your friend gave us a very detailed description of who was talking

Harlow: Friend? What friend

Lurker: Beth, from that dump homeless people live in. You know you should really know who you're talking to before you tell someone you're entire life story, especially since she's our best informant.

Harlow: What? Look I have no idea what you are talking about but when I get outta here, I swear you'll be sorry.

Lurker: Making threats are we? Well, how about this?

The last thing I saw was his fist-raising before It crashed down on my face, causing me to blackout. I held my head as I slowly rose from the ground and looked around. The room was fully padded with rubber, leaving only small metal bars to stick out. The ceiling was a couple of feet up and the only way out was a tainted glass door.

I slowly walked toward it and banged my hands on it, demanding to get out before the door opened, causing me to fall back. I gasped as two people blindfolded and gagged were thrown into the room and left to wander.

I slowly made my way over and made it known that they weren't alone. I slowly untied their eyes and instantly pulled them into a hug when I realized who they were.

Harlow: Taylor?! Roy!?

Taylor: Harlow?!

Roy: Harlow?!

Harlow: What are you guys doing here? Why did they take you?

Taylor: We don't know, one minute we were leaving the Orphanage, and the next we were being shoved into a van. Why did they take you?

Harlow: These are the people who killed my mom

Roy: What? What do they want with you?

Harlow: I don't know

I paused as I heard a loud static before someone's booming voice filled the room.

Announcer: Welcome to your new home

Harlow: This is not our home, let us out of here!

Announcer: You know I can't do that Harlow.

Harlow: How do you know my name? How did you even find me?

Announcer: We've always been watching you, Harlow, every move you make, the person you talk to, that's why your little friends are here.

As he spoke my hands pounded on the glass door. I saw smears of blood appear but I didn't care. I paused as I felt someone holding my hand in place and turned to see Roy.

Roy: You can't do this, you're hurting yourself.

Harlow: I don't have a choice, we gotta get out of here!

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