Greetings To Evil Lynnsanity

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*Lynn Jr was flying to find any resistance and take it down, she is 2000 mi from us, and it appears that she did not come alone, flying fighter droids are joining her in the fight*

Mii Trooper: Hey Sir our extra Vision cameras are picking up an enemy fighter entering the edge of the radius on our scanners.

Mii: is that fighter alone?

Mii Trooper: no sir it looks like 4 or 6 flying fighter Joys are flying alongside her.

Mii: keep the shields up, and get the men ready.

Mii Trooper: Yes Sir, troops, get your guns, your armor, anything you need, the enemy is heading our way, go, go, go!

*Miis were rushing getting Armor and Weapons, Getting into Vehicles Such as a 50 cal Jeep, an artillery tank, and of course some are going up the watchtowers with their weapons*

*While flying evil-lynn Junior found something beeping on her scanners*

(Evil) Lynn Jr: Prepare to fall.

Mii: Prepare to Taste Defeat.

(Evil) Lynn Jr: Fire the EMP!

*one of the Droid Fighters launch is an emp bullet at The Shield, hitting it, but somehow The Shield is still standing*

(Evil) Lynn Jr: Hmm.. usually it takes that kind of hit to lower a shield, looks like I'm going to have to do this the old-fashioned way. *Takes Maneuvers Of Our Shots and activates Autoland, as she jumps out of her fighter, and uses her lightsaber to cut the ground and go inside a sneakier way*

Mii Trooper: Uh sir... evil- Lynn Junior jumped out of her fighter and is digging it with her lightsaber into the Warvengers headquarters or under to it.

Mii: anything else?

Mii Trooper: well our Shield did survive a standard emp bomb.

Mii: I'll take that action, order the men, to guard every floor, whichever floor she tries to dig and come out into, we need men on every floor, so that she does not have a chance.

Mii Trooper: what are you going to do, sir?

Mii: I'm going to join them, thank you for asking. *Heads out of the surveillance room and activates his two Sabers*

*Lynn Jr dugout and on to the negative 28th floor, she looked so Savage, the mii troopers on that floor open fired on her, But Lynn Junior through 5 floors, cut bullets left and right, and use the dark side of the force, and her lightsaber, to blitz past them, until on the 20th floor, Vaughn activated his gravity manipulation, causing Lynn Jr to fall face flat on the floor, she was trying to get up, but Vaughn's Aura Was really Strong, Mii Came In and Took her sabers and Placed ion cuffs on her to neutralize her power, but she was so strong she was still trying to get up, but due to a hard kick in the back of the head, and I can her face hard on the floor, her strength gave out when she was knocked out, she was taken to her cell, where the ion cuffs will be attached the ion chains, and there will be kryptonite to keep her weak and powerless, and she won't be able to escape*

*On The Other Side*

Sidious: Send more villains to that headquarters, I fear my Apprentice may be in danger...


The Loud Of Silence 4: A Lincoln At WarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon