Taking A Final Stand

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*Kai, Bane, and Kingpin are all defeated and were tossed into Trash compactor, The Crystallix Squad and Others are on their way out of the Rubble, but it is like a maze, So it might take a while*


Sidious: You showed effort, determination,  but still it will all never be enough, so now I know what I'm going to do to this Petty weak Multiverse, of this weak little brother figure you call a Loud, I am going to enjoy it, make it better than it ever was before...

*Just Then 30 Droid Cargo Ships Arrive, Zombies Arose from the Ground, Thousands of them, 5 Griffin the Great Giants Were in Chains And ready to fight, Monsters Came from every direction on the enemy side, and Lots of Main Villains Appeared, Ultron, Ursula, Dr. Robotnik, Chrysalis, Tirek, Toffee, Mina, (Somehow Sidious Got the Evil Loud Sisters Out of the Cells Himself and Made them more powerful), Sideshow Bob and His Family, and Dozens Of Every Monster from Miitopia*

Sidious: Give into the dark side, or this place and your people are done...

*I was still recovering, I was able to get up on my feet, and Heal all my bruises, and tighten the grip on my gloves, with an angry scowl on my dirty face from rolling into and on the rubble, showing the bruises on my face completely healed, I am telling Sidious Mind to Mind that I will not join the dark side, I will fight til my last breath, Sidious Grew with a Frown, I walked without having to walk backwards or show a sign of fear, I just continue walking forward and I didn't care if I was going to get killed I'm going to fight to my last breath, Suddenly a crackle came to my earpiece, I tap it*

???: On Your Left.

*I turned to see A Portal and Coming Through were Angus and A Few Scotland Castle Guards, Lincoln awoke to see this Too, Lincoln saw Angus and gave him a smile, as Angus gave him a smile back, The guards went to help him up, suddenly the rubble of the Warvengers headquarters was actually put back together, due to 33% of all of the Warvengers, Including The Trollhunters, 3Below, Douxie, The Avengers, and Even Spiderman, I was shocked to see The avengers helping us, Republic Cruisers Came Flying too, Jedi came landing in front of the Headquarters, The Simpsons Joined too All Treehouse of Horror Zombies, Surprisingly Helped too, A Mewnian Army Led By The Mewnian Butterfly Family, Even Hekapoo and Some Others helped too, Lots Of anthropomorphic animal soldiers from Sonic Forces joined too under the command of Team Chaotic, The Good Loud family Came too, 200,000 Mii Soldiers, 150,000 Republic Stormtroopers*

Lucy: Is that everyone?

Lynn Jr: Like you wanted More??

*Suddenly The Second building of the Warvengers Headquarters was put back together and Joshua The SuperMii flew straight out, The crystallix Squad, Spike, Henry, Ellie, The Toppat Clan, Seraphina, Vaughn, and Many students of Wellston and New Bostin Joined too, Seraphina and John nod at eachother with a smile like they saw eachother on the other side, Marco, and Even Agent P with all Of O.W.C.A. Came Too*

*All Warvengers Line Up Ready to fight the evil and defend the Loud verse, I looked at Sidious, Who was just shocked at how many are joining me in this fight*


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