The Final Battle

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*Continuing From Taking A Final Stand*

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*Continuing From Taking A Final Stand*

*I look at Darth sidious who was shocked about how many soldiers were joining me in the fight, Everybody Readied and Even got into their Super and Ultimate Forms and Got their Weapons*

Me: WWAAAARRRVVEENNNGERRSSSS!!!!!!! *I Used the Force To grab Excalibur, As It forms Awesome Armor Around Me* Assemble... *Everybody Charged, Lots let out War cries, Sidious commanded his Army to Charge Too, The duos flip, Mii and HoneyQueen, Sonic and The Freedom Fighters, Star and Marco, Lincoln was succeeding extremely well in fighting and Bringing out his inner man, The Loud Family was doing all they can to help fight, John and Seraphina, The Simpsons, Anything they can, Imagine Everybody fighting*

*2 Hours Later, Most Out Of every one of sidious's army was finished, But Sidious himself just did not go down, He Had Everyone Pinned Down But Me, Mii, and Lincoln, Mii was busy trying to regenerate everyone, I was Stalling Sidious While He Did, And Lincoln was trying to think of a way he can help win this...*


*I drop sidious, as he was on Lincoln*

Sidious: ENOUGH!!!!!! *Unleashes A Burst of Lightning Which burst the three of us back, It Has been three minutes, but with Lincoln's enthusiasm spirit and strength, he was the first one to awaken, he activated his enhancements just in case, Sidious notices this* let your death be the final word... in the story of rebellion. *Throws sith Lightning at Lincoln only for Lincoln To Absorb It With His Elemental Powers, Lincoln was able to use the Force and Grab two Sabers and one in the front for right now* You are nothing, a little boy cannot be a match for Sith Lord, I am All The Sith!!!

Lincoln: And I... *I place the Duke Crown on Lincoln's Head, Helping him with a little push* I Am All The LOUDS!!! *Activates the second saber to the front making an "X," Mii, And the Loud Family Came Behind Them and Helped Lincoln give Strength and Defeat Sidious With His Own Lightning reflecting back at him, Destroying him*

*5 Minutes Later, We Now See Every Villain Away like you would see in Avenger's Endgame, As Soon as the Last Villain Vanished, I helped Lincoln Sit down nicely, every Loud tired, in need of a break, Mii regenerating everyone, as soon as that was done, everyone head back inside*

*3 Days Later*

Lynn Jr: Mom, Is Stincoln Gonna be okay? He's Been sleeping and hasn't been waking up.

*Rita was about to answer but I answer that question for her by saying*

Me: your brother is going to be fine Lynn Jr, he just figured after what happened three days ago, he needed all the sleep he could get.

Lynn Jr: Who could blame him, the loud of Silence....

Me: now in peace and slumber.

_______________THE END________________

The Loud Of Silence 4: A Lincoln At WarWhere stories live. Discover now