The Mothers don' like Witchery??

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*It Has Been At Least a Day Since the Defeat of the Evil Loud Sisters, we thought it wouldn't be long until Sidious found out and would decide to invade us himself, Morag Has Been enjoying herself peacefully, even enjoying herself communicating with the good loud sisters, she even made amends with them, Lincoln decided he is already strong enough, but also didn't want to cramp anything else, so he decided to give his body a break, he is basically just making sure he is eating the right foods, And Even Getting Enough Sleep, he slept for like 18 hours, Good graciousness He needed that rest, Unlike Myself Who was still trying to think of a plan*

Mii: Still Here, when is the last time you slept, Dad?

Me: I'll sleep after we end, Darth Sidious, what I have so far is Darth Sidious could come in his fighter ships dozens of them, or he could resurrect threats would never heard of from the sand and invade on foot, and those are just suggestions of what I think he's going to do but right now I got nothing.

Mii: Man, unlike you maybe he's getting so much needed to rest...

Me: No, Don't do that again.

Mii: *chuckles* Sorry.

Me: Anyway, how is everybody else doing?

Mii: well if you can planes flying in from Lincoln's adoptive mothers from the other universes saying they are not really liking Morag...

Me: Hmmm... Let me see that. *Hands me the papers* Hmm... well I completely understand why those ladies do not like Morag... I'm going to have a word with those adoptive Mother's, you going to be okay here?

Mii: Yeah.

Me P.A.: Attention Warvengers, pardon the interruption, all adoptive mothers of Lincoln loud please report to the lounge room where I will meet you there as soon as I get there, thank you.

*In The Lounge Room*

Me: so the reason why I called this short meeting was to ensure you that more I doesn't seem as bad as you think she is she decided to change, what makes you think she hasn't? I won't go against your opinion.

Medusa: Well, If you seen anything like the loud House movie she has wanted to eliminate the loud for 400 years, but if she changed why now?

Me: that's a good question, I think most of us even she is trying to figure that out right now.

Blue: And what about the gem she used before?

Me: it was burnt to a crisp by Leela the Dragon, the gem she used that invaded us before may have been one of the Antiques that Sidious kept, we were able to enhance it and make sure it was used for good and not evil.

Blue: Okay.

Me: come on I know I'm not requiring you or recommending you and I don't force you to, but come on just give her a chance who knows once she's changing, she may be better than who she was before... I know many cartoons where that happened, a witch or a wizard Turning Away evil for good... Isn't that what we plan to do with everyone?? To have them follow Jesus, protect the Multiverse, and Heal the World?

*The mothers gave it some thought and they finally come to an agreement*

Medusa: all right, we will give her a chance, if she helped Lincoln and the good loud sisters defeat the evil loud sisters, then I see no shame in giving her a shot.

Blue: Same Here.

Me: thank you, now you may go about your business, meeting dismissed.

*Everybody went their Separate ways when all of the sudden the top start exploding down on them, Someone from above is Shooting the Headquarters down*

*The Last rocket Exploded the whole place, Luckily No One Specific Died*

*Mii Rushed In And got everyone out of the fallen Rubble to a place where the Rubble hasn't fallen on them, he must have activated his time manipulation*

Mii: anybody hurt, everybody all right?

Me: yeah, what happened?

Mii: while I activated my time manipulation and getting everybody out of the rubble, I was able to get a sense or a flicker of who shot the Warvengers headquarters down, it was Darth Sidious, some reason the scanners didn't read him and it must have been because that his ship was invisible.

Me: he's going to pay for the damage big time...


The Loud Of Silence 4: A Lincoln At WarWhere stories live. Discover now