Crystallix Takes The Stand For Lincoln

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Previously On "the loud of silence 4"

Sidious: the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural...

(Evil) Lynn Jr: and so end the light, I shall, the Multiverse will be ours....

Me: we have just received information, from our spies scouring the world, we may have found the Evil Lair where they may be building some kind of weapon, to end all of the positivity and light in the world, or better yet the Multiverse.

Lincoln: well I also do know that we all have been growing in power and knowledge over the past seven months, due to crossing over universes left and right and fusing with what seems to be an ally or an anti ally.

Sidious: Send more villains to that headquarters, I fear my Apprentice may be in danger...


Me: you sure you want to join the spies, in finding out what we're up against?

Bianca: yes of course,

Me: all right well half of your squad will have to stay here in case of another ambush, or more villains coming over here to try and free the evil Lynn Junior...

Me: speaking of the evil lynn jr, have we ever got information out of her?

Bianca: I got a word from Lincoln that he is going to get everything out of her.

*evil Lynn Junior was knocked out unconscious, until the Kryptonite gas was vacuum in the back up inside and the cell was opened, it was Lincoln*

Lincoln: you are going to tell me everything... I will try anyway to get some information out of you.

(Evil) Lynn Jr: I will tell you nothing!!


*20 Minutes Later*

Lincoln: She told me everything.

Me: did you have to try that method to get through to her?

Lincoln: oh relax it's just an evil someone from another dimension, she's not my real sister, besides I know who the real Lynn junior is, and she already made up for everything she did.

Me: alright then what do you know?

*25 Minutes Later, Helicopters started taking off for the Headquarters, With Half Of the Crystallix Squad, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver*

Me: all right crew, listen up, from what I know of what Lincoln told us from evil Lynn Jr, that layer is crowned with villains, of any kind, you're only supposed to be there to see what they are planning and do not engage, to ensure that you won't be spotted I was able to unable you with camo gear, it should be able to mute you from the enemy but you will still be able to communicate with each other, blessings to you, stay Swift, Stay silent and be safe.

Bianca: Yes Sir.

Charles: all right we see the lair, and out of the cameras range, we're going to activate camouflage now.

Bianca: wait a second this is sand, Charles fly low and activate extended vision, so that it'll decrease the chances of being spotted.

Charles: Yes Ma'am.

*Charles made sure to fly low but not too low where he was close to the ground, he also scanned the the ground while he was flying toward the lair to see how close he was to the ground and made sure not to crash*

Charles: all right crew do your thing, investigate but do not engage.

Bianca: be sure to stay out of their range.

Charles: Yes Ma'am.

*the Crystallix Squad activate their invisibility cloaking, and they Glide to the lair in their Wingsuits*

Bianca: For Lincoln.


The Loud Of Silence 4: A Lincoln At WarWhere stories live. Discover now