Morag Making Her Magic Mark (Of Failure)

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*When Sidious ordered his men to send out more villains to take us out, Morag Was one of them, And She has been very delighted to be given a second chance, but even worse she is flying the Red Death that was once killed in the first "How to Train Your Dragon," along with that, Sidious trusted her with a more powerful gem and Wand*

Bianca: Guys, we got a problem?

Me: go ahead, Bianca.

Bianca: Morag, the Red Death, and reinforcements are coming your way!

Me: the Red Death?

Tails: It was a dragon defeated by hiccup and toothless in their earlier years... it seems Sidious was able to heal him and make him more powerful.

Me: Activate the freezing setting on the shield, we got to fight fire with water.

Tails: Yes Sir.

Vaughn: What's the news?

Mii Trooper: we just received word from Bianca that Morag, an old witch who hated the loud family is on her way to... well what any evil villain does.

Vaughn: Right, Send out the men to defend the headquarters just in case.

Mii Trooper: Yes Sir.

Vaughn: please do be careful, Bianca...



Bianca and Her Squad are still gathering everybit of info and trying to stay out of range of being noticed, 20 minutes later, when things couldn't get any better, Sidious then sensed something that was here*

Sidious: Someone's Here, search the building.

*the squad remains invisible, as the evil troops, tried to search high and low but don't seem to see them*

Evil Trooper: we searched the building sir but we couldn't find anything, must have been a tall sense...

Sidious: maybe we can't see them, nor hear them, not even feel them, oh I'm afraid you're tall sense, has gotten shorter and has been fooled by an invisible squad on the wall.

*Bianca Gasps Quietly, she just couldn't help it, she came out of invisibility, Sparked 2 pink lightsabers, and stood in a pose*

Bianca: you were not wrong the fact that we were here, Emperor, or should I call you... Darth Sidious.

Sidious: Well look at what the Warvengers brought to me, oh, I'm afraid your friends can't save you now.

Bianca: I don't need to be saved... I'm just going to whoop your tiny little lightning ass!

Sidious: You will not stop me, the darkness will caress over the Warvengers like a boot stomping an ant. *Ignites his sabers*

Bianca: Evil never wins, you may have succeeded in the first trilogy, but that won't mean but in this quadrilogy, you will not get away with this.

*The Two Clash Sabers, She remembered her training, and Only Lasted 7 minutes and 49 Seconds Before Sidious Was Able to get the jump On Her, that is when her friends started to help her*

Sidious: Move another step and she gets it. *Grabs Bianca By the neck and Moves the Saber Close to her face, and her friends were surrounded too by lots of evil troops, Rayman contacted Sonic Like they need backup now*


*Morag Finds The Headquarters*

Mii: hey Dad, We are picking up Morag and the red death on our scanners.

Me: Raise the Freezing Shield.

Mii Trooper: Every soldier in position.

Mii Commander: in position, General.

*The Red Death Hovers overtop the Shield and Somehow His fire does not affect The Shield, it was so cold it could not be heated, so the Red Death tried another approach, smashing it, it only resulted in the Red Death getting way-way dizzy, So Morag Decided She dealt with this herself, She used her magic to lift the shield just tall and wide enough for the red death to fit through too*

Mii Trooper: Uh Sir, more I may have used to Jewel to be able to fit her and the Red Death through under our shields...

Mii: no s***, FIRE!

*Every trooper stood on each side of the Red Death trying to pierce its armor, But  it has no success*

Me: where are those knockout gas bombs?

*the Troopers then fired those, and also remember to put on mask before firing them that is important, because no mask and knockout gas bombs, do not mix, some of the knockout gas bombs even went into the Red Death's nostril, some even went in his mouth, overwhelming his senses and making him collapse, but Morag was on a whole nother level, she was blitzing Troopers left and right with her magic*

???: you want fight with magic??

*Morag looks up to see the Soldiers Parting for Joshua The Mii in His Legendary Mage Robe and holding his wand*

Mii: Hello there...


Mii: well, well, well, Morag do to really believe that you were going to get passed every single one of these Troopers with ease?

Morag: I could have been thinking about it earlier, I may not be as strong as I was before but I am stronger...

Mii: the only idea about magic is knowledge, yet you believe in Superstition and strength.

Morag: Yeah, Well when Sidious takes care of the crystallix squad, I will hit you in places you do not deserve to be hit.

Mii: we'll see about that.

*Magic Clashes, Morag made the First move Using A Simple Fog Spell, Then Mii mixed this with his Sleep Well Spell, making Morag lose a little bit of her energy, Then She Used Her Plasma Spell, Only then Mii countered it with Lightning and Zapped her, Only to make her Use An Freezing Laser, Mii Countered that move with his Tower Of Flame Spell Going Horizontal, what both didn't notice was that my Mii's Tower of flame spell was stronger than the freezing laser spell, breaking the gem, and Pushing Her into the Wall, she was going to get back up and fight, but my mii lullabied her to sleep, And Went to Exterminate The Last of the Dark Troops, Successfully Taking them out with his Giga-Lightning Spell, then went to go put morag in her cell*


Sidious: One more step and she gets it! *suddenly time starts to slow down, Sonic rushes in and Moves Bianca out of the way, And grabs Darth Sidious's saber, as time starts to speed up again*

Sidious: What- The!? You.

Sonic: well, well, well, did you really think she came alone with just her Squad??

Sidious: I wasn't expecting visitors...

Sonic: well, we love to stay, but you know we got to go. *Lightnings Up and Speeds Outta Here, with Shadow and Silver, and the crystallix squad*

Sidious: If I send out more villains, they are going to have the same results as Morag and my Apprentice, it looks like I will have to deal with this matter myself I with everything I have... the Multiverse will be mine.


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