Chapter 7 Compromised

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Miguel turned whilst talking and seemed to lose his train of thought in shock of who is standing in front of us.

"Well, just have her back by the next dance yeah?" Miguel laughs with a couple other people but Cassano does not break his eyes from me.

I put my hand in his and he asks "What is your name?" I hesitate for a second, "Helena" I fake smile in discomfort.

"Mmm" he glares as he leads me away.

I turn to look at Miguel who looks super stressed but I wink and give him the "I'm totally fine"'smile (which I am not).

Mozart's Requiem in D Minor K626 begins to haunt the halls as he leads me onto the clearing dance floor. He gently guides me in front of him hand in hand to dance and leans into my ear to whisper "I prefer Nikita".

Shivers ran down my spine, that's it, I'm completely compromised, he knows my identity. I try to remain calm as I grip his strong shoulder and hand. He is probably 6 ft 1 which is stills super tall to me and his hand softly sits on the absolute low of my back.

"You look more scared now then you did the other night, cat got your tongue" he says calmly as we dance with no expression.

"It's this song" I manage to get out.

"What about it?" He remains cool calm and collected as his deep voice runs through me like a train.

It's hard to concentrate as his hand guides the sensitive bottom of my back and occasionally grips my waist as we move. He pulls me closely towards him so both of my hands are gripping his shoulders. His scent is enough to drive me mad but I just feel overwhelmed.

"Mozart died before he could finish this" I mutter away.

"I know" he puts me back into position as we waltz, "that's what makes it poetic for us don't you think?" He dips me at the end slowly back up to him and I can't keep holding this tension.

I'm confused by what he said, was this song symbolising one of us dying? I can't deal with him being so cryptic.

"Are you really with him?" he leans down to kiss my hand as the song finishes. I can't respond. I can see his pink and orange dress accessories wanting to set me on fire as they watch across the room which me made me smile.

"Are you with them?" I play fire with fire.

"Are you jealous?" He says as he finally cracks a small smile.

"No, no I have standards" I say as I go to turn away.

"One more" he pulls me back to him. I turn to see Miguel's concerned face trying to look suave. Miguel's nods and grabs another drink.

I couldn't refuse with the crowd watching for both of our sakes, people were smiling at us as we were basically the only ones dancing to that eerie song.

"What are you trying to tell me for the next song" I huff and smile as I accept another dance.

Pietro Mascagni - Intermezzo from Callaveria begins to play and it's already pouring into my soul. My eyes close as we start to dance slowly and less abrupt.

You can listen to this song above

"You like this one?" He says with soft humour in his voice. I nod with my eyes still closed.

I open them and stare at his warm brown eyes. There may have been a part of me before that didn't like think I liked brown eyes, but now they seem to be my favourite colour.

"No fear for this song?" He cheekily smiles at me and I can't help but contagiously smile back. I try to hide it and turn away.

"You should know this songs story Cassano it's Italian" I tease.

"I'm impressed if you do" he responds playfully.

"Lola and Turridu" I smile, "you are impressed with me not holding a weapon this time?" I laugh, probably too comfortably with him.

He smiles and bites his bottom lip for a second facing the other way, "Ah yes, what have you got up your dress for me tonight" he turns to look at me with his burning brown eyes.

I slap his shoulder in response, trying not to being too much attention to ourselves and the song finally finishes. I could of stayed in his arms all night but he doesn't need to know that. With a cheeky grin he kisses my hand and leads me back to Miguel who thanks him. Cassano eyes him up and down and shakes his hand, looking back at me sending chills down my spine. "Ciao Bella" he kisses my hand again and disappears into the crowd.

"Are you okay?!" Miguel leans into my ear, "I'm fine, everything's good" I smile to get him off my back.

"Did you get anything out of him?" He pushes. "We were just dancing and speaking about the songs meanings" I press back. "Okay, as long as you're alright" he turns away. God I need another drink.

"The Russians are to your 3 o'clock Miguel speaks facing the other way as I pull a glass of wine off the waiters tray. "There are two fatties with him which are know German politicians". I wouldn't have a clue I just got here. We have eyes on so many gangs it's hard to keep up who they really want us to tail. Suddenly I jumped as I sipped on my wine, a bullet went off and most of the women are screaming and running outside. How did they get weapons in here. You can see the men from different gangs all eyeing each other off to see who the culprit really is. "We need to go NOW!" Miguel grabbed my hand and hustled me outside.

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