Chapter 29 Trust

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"Let me handle this" I try remain calm.

"Hands up now!" two men storm the side of the car pointing guns at Diego who slowly put his hands up and onto the steering wheel.

"You too!" One yells but I don't listen.

I have both glocks on me incase they try search the car.

"I said get down now!" One walks up to me aiming at me with his gun.

"Fuck off" I sneer and walk towards the group of men at the van.

As expected, it's Hans and his men, looks like 5 of them. Miguel is there as well and he won't make eye contact with me.

"Get out!" I see Diego stepping out of the car with his hands up expressionless and quiet.

"You are under arrest for the kidnapping of a federal agent" Hans stares at Diego with a smile.

"You might have missed a text or two but I resigned" i seethe at him.

"Oh, she didn't tell you?" He looks at Diego and laughs. "She has been undercover this entire time to bring you to us" he chuckles to himself and Diego's eyes dart towards me.

I don't know if he believes him, surely after everything he knows I've always been real with him.

"Quite a convincing fox isn't she?" Hans is having the time of his life.

"You're a fucking liar!" I can't help but snap at him, "he is lying!" I look over at Diego to ensure he believes me and he shakes his head and looks down almost disappointed in himself.

I can't believe this.

"We have the rest of the evidence you will be charged with back at HQ". The other men grab Diego and walk him to the truck and my eyes pool in panic.

"Let go of him" I pull both glocks from my under my dress that were barely holding on by my underwear.

I pointed one at Hans and the other in Diego's direction to the men holding him. No one moved in shock.

"You think you can take me from my home and slap me around with no repercussions" an angry smile creeps over my face slowly disappearing.

"Nikita!" Miguel yells with his hands slightly up in defence.

"You knew and didn't say anything" I nodded at him in disgust.

"Last time I'll ask, let him go" I point the gun at his head and he smiles like I wouldn't do it.

My adrenaline mixed with my temper made me lose a little control so I pointed the gun at his knee cap and shot him shattering any hope of him walking properly again.

He screamed and dropped to the ground so I pressed the weapon against his forehead looking down on him.

"Let him go!" He screamed in pain and Diego walked back to the car. I could feel him looking at me but I didn't look away from the situation unraveling in front of me.

I didn't think this far ahead but this is what it is.

"That's for having me slapped and kicked around" I say softly to him.

"Come after us and I promise you won't see another day" I threatened and looked around at them staring at me in shock.

"That goes for all of you" I back away still aiming with both hand and jump in the car. Diego floors it out and around the van in front, the engine purring with speed.

"Marco, get everyone to pack their shit, ill be there soon" Diego hangs up as quick as he called.

The veins in his arms were showing as he gripped the wheel in temper and I could see his jaw clenching.

"He was lying" my eyes were pooled to think that he thought this was a lie.

Like a real life 'read' he didn't respond to me and the silence remained.

"Diego!" I scream at him to respond to me. "You really don't trust me?!" I yell again at him.

I'm so overwhelmed the tears fall down my face and I turn to face the window wiping them in silence.

The rest of the drive was quiet. We flew down the driveway and I could see numerous SUVS being packed with men and suitcases. I got out and made my way to the house to get mine when Marco grabbed my arm.

"What happened?" He stopped me in my tracks and could see I had been crying by my running mascara.

"They know we are here. They almost took him" I wiped under one of my eyes to look not as shit.

Marco looked concerned and brushed my cheek gently before turning away to go to Diego. I ran upstairs and grabbed my suitcase which was already in front of my door packed. I checked to make sure everything was cleared from the room and made my way down stairs. I saw some of the men look back at
me with no expression as they filled the cars.

What did Diego tell them?

Tony came forward and grabbed my suitcase for me taking it outside without a word. I made my way outside and saw Marco and Diego speaking. They broke eye contact and Diego walked over to me grabbing my wrist and walking me back to the car.

"What are you doing?" I tried pulling my arm away from him before he opens the door and pushes me into the car.

"Fuck Diego! Just speak to me!" I yell at him again when he gets into the car. The engine start roaring and we fly back out down the driveway.

"We need to relocate" he continues looking straight ahead. "I'll get you a new phone when we get there" he is distant and hostile.

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